Time Control Question

Playing in an event next weekend and unclear on the posted time controls, can someone help out? The listing is 40/2, SD/1. I’ve only ever played in tournaments where there’s a total time for the game such as G/90 or G/30. What’s this time control mean, 40 moves in two hours then sudden death of one minute? Something else? Thanks in advance :smiley:

The first time control is 40 moves in 2 hours. After both sides make 40 moves an additional 1 hour is given to each player for the rest of the game. Note, this hour is added, so if you only used 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, then you will have 90 minutes (60+30) for the rest of the game.

Thanks! :smiley:

Depending on how the clock is set, it might not display that extra hour until after the first two hours are used up (might end up being during move 43 for white and move 56 for black).