Well, we then get into the whole issue of blitz ratings being incorportated into Quick chess ratings at all! I know you agree with me on this Ernie, but just wanted to elaborate on your comment about Fischer-Random Blitz.
Blitz in general is a completely different form of chess in which the time element actually takes precedence over the game. Its more important to be fast than good or accurate, although to be both is wonderful. To include games played at G/5 into Quick ratings which can be from G/10 all the way up to G/60 is silly to the point of absurd. It is like averaging 10 apples and 8 oranges - what could the average possibly mean??
When the WBCA folded in late 2003, the USCF quickly jumped in on the void and started rating blitz. The main reason that blitz was folded into quick ratings was twofold:
- They already had two rating systems and didn’t want to add a third, and
- A third rating column would not fit into the paper Rating Supplement.
I suggested an online rating supplement for blitz, no good.
The overriding reason not to unclude blitz into quick ratings is that they are different creatures. The rules HAVE to be different for blitz because it is a different game. USCF Quick/Sudden Death rules for blitz are completely silly. WBCA rules were developed by a team of seasoned GMs familiar with all the tricks and traps of blitz. I use WBCA rules in all blitz events I direct, including World Open blitz. Two minute time additions for illegal moves, tried once in World Open blitz, created mayhem on the floor. WBCA rules of an illegal move losing if claimed correctly are sweet and simple. Insufficient Losing chances rules applying to regular chess should not apply to blitz due to the importance of speed over accuracy. Having one pawn left in blitz versus a queen is a win if the queen’s flag falls; it is a draw in most ISL sudden death claims - not a just result for blitz.
Any form of Blitz should not be included into Quick ratings. I also agree with Ken Sloan that FischerRandom should not be included. i don’t even think that should be included into blitz ratings if the USCF ever develops a separate system. They are different enough to warrant a different rating system, but we could then go to extremes and have dozens of rating systems:
Monday night ratings
Weekday ratings
Ratings for playing drunk