Time limits on tournaments

Is there any time limit to have a tournament recieved in to the uscf to have it accepted?

TDs are supposed to submit their reports within 7 days of the end of the event. I don’t know of any recent cases where TDs have been sanctioned for being tardy.

I also don’t know that there has ever been a written rule about how far back we will accept an event, though I think there has been an informal guideline of about a year.

Under the old rating system it was just rated in the order it was received, under the new ratings system we probably need to have a hard deck, beyond which we either don’t rate the event or rate it in place without rerating all subsequent events.

Rerates have slowed down from the first one because of refinements to the ratings lookup process to look for more anomalous situations. It now take about 1 hour per month being rerated. I’m going to see if that can be tuned somewhat by changing the database parameters or creating different indexes, but I dont’ know that I’ll be able to improve it by much.

What’s a reasonable time frame to permit late events? 6-9 months sounds about right to me.

Corrections are a related issue. It often takes several months for players to note errors in their record for recent events and we continue to get reports of errors in events 2 or more years old.

I think we should always correct the historical record even if it no longer affects anyone’s rating, but the question remains how far back should a correction affect current ratings?