U.S.Open 2018 Wiscosnin

On the USCF site months ago there was information on the 2018 US Open as far as 9/6/4 day schedules go. Not staying at the host hotel so I want to book early an alternative but no longer see the playing schedule. Interested in one of the shorter schedules. Noticed no information about a tournament is listed past the end of December. SOme people have to plan earlier than a few months, picking vacations etc. Thanks if someone still has the information. Why was it taken down?

The schedules follow the same format every year. The 2018 US Open runs 7/28 - 8/5.

The traditional schedule begins the first day, Saturday 7/28/2018.

The six-day schedule starts on Tuesday 7/31 and runs through Sunday, 8/5.

The four-day schedule begins on Thursday 8/2 and runs through Sunday 8/5.

– Hal Terrie

All schedules round 7 at 7 PM Friday, round 8 at 7 PM second Saturday, round 9 at 3 PM second Sunday
9-day: rounds one-six first Sat-Thurs at 7 PM
6-day: rounds one, three, five Tues-Thurs at 7 PM, rounds two, four, six Wed-Fri at noon
4-day: rounds one-four Thursday starting at noon, rounds five-six Friday starting at noon.