I wish to talk through my understanding of the rules with respect to players communiating with others while their game is in progress.
The easy one first, obviously any talking about the game itself if forbidden.
Within the playing hall itself, I read Rule 20I, which states that a TD may ban all talking in the tournament room. Presumably the TD could also not ban all talking. Seems like the TD has discretion on this.
In stepping through Rule 20M, I see that a player is also a spectator with respect to other games. It therefore seems clear that such a player should abide by 20M4, which prohibits talking in a loud enough voice to be heard by a player with a game in progress. This seems to strongly suggest that players should not talk while in the tournament room. Is this how others read this?
Also, per 20M6, it seems that if a player has a relative, close friend or student who is also playing in the tournament and they choose to go look at their game, they should stand behind their friend/relative/student, not in front.
It also seems clear that the player should not speak to the relative/friend/student when either has a game in progress. Even if the conversation is benign (what do you want to eat after this?), it seems like the rules say that the players should not speak while the tournament is ongoing.
I read 20N to state that players should not leave the playing venue without TD permission. Playing venue is defined as playing area, restrooms, refreshment/smoking area, adjacent hallways, and other areas designated by the TD. What is included in a typical playing venue? Skittles room?
I suppose I’m also reading the rules to say that a player who is not in the playing hall should not be talking to anyone (even if its not about their game) while their game is in progress. They should not be in the skittles room socializing. Use of the hallway while on the way to and from the rest room is clearly acceptable, but use of the hall to chit chat with friends seems inappropriate.
My personal sense is that players should generally not be outside of the playing hall while a game is in progress unless they are using the restroom. It seems like that is NOT the rule, but it does seem like a player who leaves the tournament room should not talk to others while outside the room (although the rules seem to be more clear that talking within the playing hall is not allowed if one or more are still playing a game).
How do others read the rules?