Tonight is round 4 of the August Swiss 90 (5SS, G90+30, $10 entry, USCF-rated, prizes)!
NM Josh Bloomer went unbeaten to win the Denny’s Quick Friday!
End Date
Event ID Event Name
Dates and Section Count
Received: 2016-08-20 Entered: 2016-08-20 Rated: 2016-08-20 Sections: 1
The USCF sent me this reminder about he Colorado Open coming up!
The events shown below are ones that have been or will be advertised in Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids:
DateEventLocationTLA inAffiliate
2016-09-03Colorado OpenLone Tree CO2016-08 CL T5016398
This week’s position comes from another one of my losses. When it rains, it pours. It is white to move.
See the diagram and answer here: … =202486716
When It Rains, It Pours … ?id=107907
[Event “August Swiss 90”]
[Site “”]
[Date “2016.08.16”]
[Round “3.1”]
[White “McGough, Mark”]
[Black “Anderson, Paul”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “B00”]
[WhiteElo “1809”]
[BlackElo “2036”]
[PlyCount “161”]
[EventDate “2016.08.02”]
[TimeControl “5400+30”]
e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 Nc6 4. c3 e5 5. d5 Nb8
Be3 Nf6 7. Nd2 Be7 8. Nh3 O-O 9. O-O d6 10. f4 exf4 11. Nxf4 Nbd7 12. Nh5
Nxh5 13. Qxh5 Ne5 14. Be2 Bc8 15. h3 Bf6 16. Nf3 g6 17. Qh6 Bg7 18. Qg5 f6 19.
Qg3 Nxf3+ 20. Rxf3 Qe7 21. Bd3 Bd7 22. Raf1 Rae8 23. Qh4 Rf7 24. Bd4 Ref8 25.
Kh1 Bc8 26. R3f2 a6 27. a4 a5 28. Rf3 Bd7 29. b3 Bc8 30. R3f2 Bb7 31. Rf3 f5
Qxe7 Rxe7 33. Bxg7 Kxg7 34. exf5 Ref7 35. c4 Bc8 36. g4 gxf5 37. Bxf5 Bxf5
gxf5 Rf6 39. Kg2 Re8 40. Kg3 Re5 41. Kg4 Re4+ 42. Rf4 Re3 43. R1f3 Re1 44.
Rg3 Kf7 45. Kg5 Re5 46. Rgf3 Re8 47. Rg4 Re5 48. Rgf4 h6+ 49. Kh4 Ke7 50. Kh5
Kd7 51. h4 c6 52. dxc6+ Kxc6 53. Kg4 Kc5 54. Rd3 Kc6 55. Rfd4 Kc7 56. Rd5 Re4+
Kh5 Rf4 58. Rg3 Kc6 59. Rg6 R6xf5+ 60. Rxf5 Rxf5+ 61. Kxh6 Rf3 62. h5 Rxb3
Kg7 Re3 64. Rg5 Kd7 65. h6 Re7+ 66. Kf6 Re6+ 67. Kg7 Re7+ 68. Kg6 Re6+ 69.
Kh5 Re1 70. h7 Kc6 71. Kg6 Re8 72. Kf7 Kd7 73. Rh5 Re7+ 74. Kf6 Re6+ 75. Kf5
Re5+ 76. Kg4 Re8 77. h8=Q Rxh8 78. Rxh8 Kc6 79. Rh5 d5 80. Rxd5 b5 81. Rxb5 1-0
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