World Championship Match

Ok, Anand just won the world chess championship match recently, but he has to put his title on the line again after the Kamsky-Topolov match?

I thought a title match for world champion only happened once ever 2 or 3 years.

This is part (hopefully the FINAL part) of the reunification process, after which the normal cycle rules would take effect.

I have to wonder, though, when the last time was that two consecutive world championship cycles were held using the same rules.

Pre-Fischer would be my guess.

Let me get this straight: the Professional Chess Association only lasted from 1993 to 1996, but everybody still trying to unify the world chess championship by 2009? Taking a total of 13 years to unify from a something that only lasted 3 years?!

OMG, no wonder why people think chessplayers are crazy.

I’d suggest Evans’ “This Crazy World of Chess” to get caught up on the last few years of international idiocy.

April 19th Associated Press article: “Anand Wants Chess Title Match Postponed”. … no_chess_1

The Anand-Topalov match is scheduled to begin April 23 in Sofia, Bulgaria. However, Viswanathan Anand, stranded in Frankfurt since Saturday, said in an e-mail to AP that it would take 28 hours to reach Sofia by train.

But the President of the Bulgarian Chess Federation Stefan Sergiev said Monday it was impossible to postpone the opening ceremony due to commercial contracts.

What the heck, Vishy? I wonder how he got himself into that situation in the first place. I say he should have to ride the 28 hours via train.

It just might have something to do with the Iceland volcano shutting down air travel over a lot of Europe.

Why does it seem that Topalov is getting all the breaks, Match in his home country, privelage status of an automatic challengers match against Kamsky, Do the powers that be want Topalov as the World Champion?