60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer has been reprinted today

The Reprinting of My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer has taken place TODAY

My 60 Memorable Games Selected and fully annotated by Bobby Fischer

With introductions to the games by International Grandmaster Larry Evans

This is an exact reproduction of the original 1969 classic work, “My 60 Memorable Games” by Bobby Fischer. Unfortunately, there have been many efforts by other authors and contributors to “improve” on Fischer’s work by converting the text into algebraic notation and then by correcting what they thought were mistakes in analysis. It turned out that what they thought were mistakes by Fischer were mistakes by themselves. Fischer’s analysis was correct. Their’s was wrong. As a result, Fischer famously went on the radio to denounce those who claimed to have “improved” on his work.

Even since his death, new editions have come out again promising that there have been no changes from the original, but researchers have discovered hundreds of changes in the new editions that supposedly contain no changes.

This book contains no changes at all on the inside of this book. Every word is the same. Even a typo on the first page has been preserved. The only changes are on this back cover and on the spine.