6th edition suggested improvements

Still waiting to see where these member only discounts are.

I can’t see that anyone has mentioned this one:

The new TD Tip for Rule 34E (effective as of 1-1-2010) was correctly included after Rule 34E, but was also (incorrectly) included after Rule 32E.

To my knowledge, the membership only discounts were discontinued by the current USCF Sales vendor, Shawn Sullivan or House of Staunton.

There is always a 10% discount available at USCF Sales and House of Staunton, but it is to anyone that uses it. “Google10” is the code for this normal discount.

This is my understanding as well

For those interested in knowing…
As of January 6, 2015 my Kindle version of the 6th Edition Rulebook is not updated with the Rules Changes effective January 1, 2015.

Also, is there any chance we can get the PDF version (on the website) of the rules changes without the big watermark?

Thank you.

  • Enrique

While I am not in the loop for e-updates by the publisher, I believe the USCF needs to get the ball rolling on that front.

One of the mistakes I noted above (the one on page 11 where it says Dual rating is “30 ≤ mm+ss < 65”) didn’t make it onto the errata page. uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … hanges.pdf

There are many other mistakes in the 6th edition of the rulebook that didn’t make it into the errata page either:

5F-It says “For Quick Chess (G/10 to G/29) the standard delay is 3 seconds and for Blitz Chess (G/5) two seconds.” However, quick chess no longer includes G/10 and goes up to “less than 30”. Blitz chess is now 5-10 minutes of total playing time.

In the “see also” section of rule 19E, it says “14J, Draw” it should say “declared by director” at the end of this.

The first TD tip in 28A says “There are several ways to verify a player’s ID number and rating. A player’s Chess Life mailing label”. However, ratings are no longer on Chess Life mailing labels.

At the end of rule 28C1 b, it says “See the chapter on The USCF”. It should say “rating system” at the end like it does in the 5th edition.

In the “See also” section of rule 29J, it says “28D, Players without USCF”. It should say “ratings” at the end of this.

In the update to the 5th edition online, uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … gh2014.pdf, It says “Blitz games typically are set to five minutes and do not use time delay or increment”. In the 6th edition of the rulebook, the “or increment” has been omitted.

In the update to the 5th edition online, uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … gh2014.pdf, It says for Blitz that “G/3, inc/2 is popular in on-line play, and is now standard in international (FIDE) blitz events.” This sentence has been omitted from the 6th edition of the rulebook.

In Chapter 13 it states a benefit of being a USCF member and affiliate is discounts on chess products but this is no longer the case.

Can these be added to the errata page?

When can we expect these mistakes to be added to the errata page?

  • It’s there - where the first one has been crossed out and the second is corrected listed.

Another interpretation is that Quick chess of Game 10 and 3 second delay has the value of “13”; blitz chess of Game 5 and 2 second delay has the value of “7”. The main rule is about the standard timer for the game. For ratable time controls, please see 5C.

Sure - but it does correctly reference “14J, Draw”. Cosmetic at best.

  • where the underlined crossed out. This is similar to your 28A TD Tip information.

“See Chapter 8, The USCF Rating system”. It’s a stretch but one could probably infer it is “USCF rating” because it is Rule 28C but one shouldn’t need to do that.

Sure - but it does correctly reference “28D, Players without USCF”. Cosmetic at best.

:laughing: It’s been omitted since it is not used…

This is the USCF’s Official Rules of Chess - That sentence doesn’t add towards USCF rules and as such is replaced with “Information regarding FIDE Blitz chess can be found in the FIDE Handbook: fide.com/fide/handbook.html” about international FIDE blitz events.

I get e-mails for their discounts such as “EXCLUSIVE SAVINGS - For USCF Sales Newsletter Subscribers! - Save 10% on your next purchase - Welcome Spring” & It also was during the time of “It’s Media Madness! SAVE BIG on media this week! From now until Monday, March 17th, SAVE 20% on books, DVDs and Software!”
I suppose you don’t have to be a USCF member to receive such a discount but it’s still nice to support the USCF =)~!

The only one I see adding was the 28C1b because that wasn’t properly referenced.


I don’t know if anyone else has brought it up, but all seven times the word INSURE is used, the correct word in ENSURE. :smiley:

No, it’s not there. The one you are referring to that is there is on page 9 in the rulebook. The one I’m referring to that isn’t there is on page 11.

Based on this logic, Game 29 with 3 second delay would be quick rated but it’s not

Yes, but a similar cosmetic mistake (in 11F) was put on the errata page.

Yes, but 3 different instances of ratings incorrectly being stated as being on Chess Life mailing labels were put on the errata page.

And since you don’t have to be a USCF member to receive the USCF sales discount, the statements about there being member only discounts in Chapter 13 are wrong and should be mentioned on the errata page.


  • Enrique


Some of the mistakes above were already mentioned in this thread a while back. How is it that they didn’t make it onto the errata page? Who is doing the editing here?

If this was already noted in the 6th edition update draft document, how come two of the mistakes (the ones on page 11) didn’t make it onto the errata page? uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … hanges.pdf

Many of these should be corrected in future editions of the rule book (though most actually shouldn’t be in the rule book to start). However, most don’t rise to the level of something that should be put in an errata page. For instance, TD’s don’t look ratings up in a printed rating supplement any longer—they’re on line and in the GDB. So no one would be suggesting that someone bring in their magazine, whether it had the rating or not. The only one that strikes me as being important is the 5F with the incorrect inclusion of G/10 in QC.

Thanks to Mica for pointing out his version of those 6th edition mistakes. Tom’s reply pretty much says it all.

I am still scratching my head on the 5F problem. I have tried inserting the math symbol–that did not work at all. I tried using the < and > with an underline. It worked some of the time, but not all of the time (HUH?–Why?). I believe that the USCF on-line submission process should not let you make that error when submitting an event, despite the headache of dealing with the 6th edition error in printing.

This list is important, but not urgent. And please remember that some of the items on the list are important to you (as they should be), but may not be important to others; For example, just because something was in the 5th edition does not mean that it necessarily needs to be (or not be) in the 6th edition.

The on-line rules update document is a volunteer effort–not an official policy–produced by me and Dave Kuhns once a year. It is then handed over to USCF (different staff members over the years with different schedules).

When I get through some other chess and non-chess items on my “to-do” list (first up are important and urgent items) I will attend to this list. Some items may be added to an edited rules update document from this list, some may not. Dave Kuhns will also need to chime in. When all of that is said and done, I will submit any revised document to USCF. I have no time frame for getting this done. I am guessing neither does Dave.

At this point I am thinking that only the major errors should be addressed in the 2016 update document. As Tom points out, a lot of the trivial non-critical items can be addressed in future rulebook editions. And be aware neither Dave nor moi have any direct contact with the publishers.

But a number of similar types of mistakes were put on the errata page (such as three separate instances of ratings being mentioned on Chess Life mailing labels). Why would (some) less important mistakes be included but more important mistakes, such as saying G/10 is QC, be left out?

There are no math symbols such as < and > in 5F.

A revised update page was sent to USCF. They are in the process of formatting it. I don’t know how long that will take. The next update after that is scheduled for 1/1/16.