A chess game

Been a while since I posted one of my games.

I’d say it was about the craziest game I’d had in a while. Nice finish: forked both King and Queen with my rook. That was killing move. What made it more interesting is that I didn’t actually have the rook protected by any other piece.

But I wanted to mention even more the play around black’s queenside quarter of the board. I actually thought how I played that was pretty decent. But my opponent wasn’t an easy mark either, he managed to wiggle his knight into it. Probably for the better. After that, the game started moving along then.

I didn’t bother running it through a chess engine. Chess engines like to show just how bad players my level are.

[Event “unrated blitz match”]
[Site “Free Internet Chess Server”]
[Date “2014.12.14”]
[Round “?”]
[White “GuestSPQP”]
[Black “jjamesge”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “-”]
[BlackElo “1223”]
[ECO “A00”]
[TimeControl “720”]

  1. g3 {[%clkms 720000]} e6 {[%clkms 720000]} 2. Bg2 {[%clkms 717632]} d5
    {[%clkms 718860]} 3. Nf3 {[%clkms 714999]} Be7 {[%clkms 716789]} 4. O-O
    {[%clkms 712864]} Nd7 {[%clkms 715534]} 5. d4 {[%clkms 708520]} h6 {[%clkms
    713925]} 6. Nbd2 {[%clkms 704766]} Ngf6 {[%clkms 712693]} 7. c4 {[%clkms
    701793]} c6 {[%clkms 706283]} 8. cxd5 {[%clkms 699092]} cxd5 {[%clkms
    704431]} 9. Ne5 {[%clkms 693898]} O-O {[%clkms 693861]} 10. Nxd7 {[%clkms
    686763]} Bxd7 {[%clkms 692215]} 11. e3 {[%clkms 682924]} Rc8 {[%clkms
    688282]} 12. a3 {[%clkms 676565]} b6 {[%clkms 683690]} 13. b4 {[%clkms
    674911]} Rc7 {[%clkms 679918]} 14. Bb2 {[%clkms 671723]} Qc8 {[%clkms
    677726]} 15. Rc1 {[%clkms 659142]} Bc6 {[%clkms 671835]} 16. Nb3 {[%clkms
    653147]} Qb7 {[%clkms 658548]} 17. Qd2 {[%clkms 640951]} Rfc8 {[%clkms
    655632]} 18. Qd3 {[%clkms 620723]} a6 {[%clkms 643231]} 19. Rfe1 {[%clkms
    611194]} Bb5 {[%clkms 623319]} 20. Qd2 {[%clkms 609564]} Bc4 {[%clkms
    615590]} 21. Na1 {[%clkms 600374]} b5 {[%clkms 603259]} 22. Bf1 {[%clkms
    588370]} Ne4 {[%clkms 586179]} 23. Qd1 {[%clkms 585080]} Nd6 {[%clkms
    552121]} 24. Bxc4 {[%clkms 582599]} Nxc4 {[%clkms 550871]} 25. Qe2 {[%clkms
    576839]} Rc6 {[%clkms 520802]} 26. Nb3 {[%clkms 574911]} Bd8 {[%clkms
    481660]} 27. Nc5 {[%clkms 569026]} Qc7 {[%clkms 477346]} 28. Ra1 {[%clkms
    548203]} Nd6 {[%clkms 466935]} 29. a4 {[%clkms 545966]} Rb8 {[%clkms 446177]}
  2. axb5 {[%clkms 540817]} Rxb5 {[%clkms 427981]} 31. Nxa6 {[%clkms 524374]}
    Qb6 {[%clkms 408682]} 32. Rec1 {[%clkms 492400]} Rxc1+ {[%clkms 404125]} 33.
    Bxc1 {[%clkms 489386]} Nc4 {[%clkms 398728]} 34. Bd2 {[%clkms 472960]} Nxd2
    {[%clkms 387259]} 35. Qxd2 {[%clkms 467223]} Be7 {[%clkms 380051]} 36. Nc5
    {[%clkms 460525]} Rxb4 {[%clkms 367589]} 37. Ra6 {[%clkms 450350]} Qb5
    {[%clkms 351147]} 38. Ra8+ {[%clkms 436390]} Kh7 {[%clkms 349760]} 39. Qc2+
    {[%clkms 431577]} g6 {[%clkms 344205]} 40. Nd7 {[%clkms 411523]} Rb1+
    {[%clkms 341908]} 41. Kg2 {[%clkms 407124]} Qf1+ {[%clkms 338830]} 42. Kf3
    {[%clkms 404160]} Qh1+ {[%clkms 326214]} 43. Ke2 {[%clkms 399972]} Qf1+
    {[%clkms 309180]} 44. Kf3 {[%clkms 396062]} Re1 {[%clkms 291846]} 45. Ne5
    {[%clkms 387547]} Qh1+ {[%clkms 285750]} 46. Kf4 {[%clkms 383990]} Rf1
    {[%clkms 232343]} 47. Nxf7 {[%clkms 370680]} Rxf2+ {[%clkms 230495]} 48. Qxf2
    {[%clkms 368188]} Qe4# {[%clkms 227281]} *

What’s with all the weird text?

just clock times. It’s still a .pgn file.

I like to review how long I spent on key moves, occasionally.
3 seconds is about as fast as I can move. (I don’t use premove).

It’s actually on move 44 I decided to take the pawn with the rook, after making sure the king couldn’t move toward the queen. So I had to do that intermediate move before making another check with my queen.

It’s a 12 minute game so 12x60x1000= 720000 milliseconds. I guess they need that much accuracy to deal with lag. Obviously it’s an internal clock, and not one the players see while playing.
Actual times that players see are converted to human friendly minutes, seconds, and in time pressure, tenths of a second.