US Chess really had to tighten its belt due to COVID, and appeals were made for donations to help US Chess make it through the pandemic.
Here is another great way to help US Chess - and it’s FREE!
Get vaccinated
I understand there can be concerns about the vaccine. Let’s put some things in context.
First, COVID is not like measles, or other diseases where getting the disease confers long-term immunity. Coronaviruses are the cause of SARs, MERs, and the common cold. Our immune systems tend to provide immunity for shorter periods, at most a year, against coronaviruses. The immune system will tend to remember how to make antibodies against coronaviruses, but the actual antibodies generally dissipate after 6 months.
When one gets COVID, the degree of infection can vary depending upon the initial viral load. This means the number of antibodies created can also vary.
Generally, the maximum protection from getting infected is around 75% to 85% of the protection offered by mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna.)
When one gets a vaccine, the anticipated number of antibodies created is in a more standard range because the conditions are more predictable.
It was originally anticipated that vaccines would maintain their efficacy for a year. Then, some results indicated they may last longer. Now it’s looking closer to 6-8 months. Based on this, we can anticipate that immunity from infection lasts about 3-6 months. It is not like measles or other diseases where it lasts for years.
It is possible that as one gets a series of vaccinations, that longer durations may be provided. But there is likely an upper limit for duration with the current vaccines.
Here is a good PBS piece on duration of immunity: … a-vaccine/
Here is a good piece by Johns Hopkins on vaccine myths (including the fact that mRNA vaccines do not impact DNA): … ersus-fact
We are chess players. We have to deal with reality to improve. We don’t lose games because we tripped over a rock, or the sun was in our eyes - we lose because we were outplayed. We have to accept the issue and then correct it.
Most reactions to the vaccine are minor. There have been about 1,000 U.S. deaths after receiving an mRNA vaccine as reported by the VAERS database. However, this includes any recorded death after vaccine receipt, such as an auto accident. (See … r-BB1en6bL)
This is a U. S. death rate of about 0.001% from mRNA vaccines.
The death rate from COVID is 1.65%.
In other words, COVID is at least 1,650 times more dangerous than the vaccine (and this isn’t including COVID morbidity rates which appear to me much, much greater than vaccine morbidity rates.
Get vaccinated. When your children are of eligible age, get them vaccinated.
I anticipate that it’s likely that hotels will not cancel the space for National Scholastic tournaments in 2022. If US Chess cannot populate Nationals with near to normally anticipated entries, these events could prove to be financially troublesome for US Chess.
Get vaccinated!
This post, and the quoted links, are factual. And like we do in chess, we have to deal with it.