ANTD Requirement

I’m working on my ANTD. How would one go about getting on staff (volunteer or paid) at a CCA tournament? Anyone affiliated with them know? I’m willing to volunteer because all I basically need that will take forever is the 3 tournaments over $1000 prize funds.
Also anyone in the midwest with a tourn over $1000 prize fund interested in helping me out?


Try writing the CCA, the e-mail address is on their website.

You may also want to look through past CLs and see what other organizers in Indiana and surrounding states hold $1000 events. I know there are some in the Chicago area and in Ohio, I’m not sure about Kentucky.

Organizers like to know the TDs they hire, have you played in any CCA or other out-of-state events? Do you know other TDs who work those events? (More importantly, do they know you?)

yeah, I’ve emailed them before and never get a reply. They are probably so busy doing entries that they just ignore anything else. I think in Indiana maybe the state champtionship, and ky state championship. I guess an option is to organize a tournament and pray i get enough people there to cover the $1000 LOL Its hard when most of what you do is Scholastic (200-400 players) and club tournaments to then try and jump in somewhere to do a big adult tournament.
with a location like Louisville, Ky. Do you think a 1 day 1000 tournament would attract anyone? 6 hours from CHI. 2 hours from Cincinatti and lexington, 3 hours from Nashville. 5 Round G/60 with 1000 in prizes. ef: 30 would have to have 40 players to break even. But I don’t think Masters would want to play in a MCd’s? LOL

I feel your pain. (At a lesser level). I’m organizing some tournaments to try to gain TD experience, and I’m walking the line between trying to advertise a big enough prize fund to attract enough people without having the guarentee cripple me if no one shows.

The USCF recently subscribed to a zip code data service, something I’ve been in favor of for several years.

Once we have the data loaded into our system (that’ll take about a week) and some tools to utlilize it (another week?), we will be able to do things like generate statistics on the number of players (total, tournament-active, by rating, etc) within X miles of a city, which may help organizers pick sites for their events.

This will also give us the ability to refine how we generate mailing lists for those events.

I’ve found that Scholastics are the easiest way to get the bulk of your cert requirements. NTD requires 16 class B’s (100+) That’s 16 Scholastics since scholastics in this area draw between 150-300. hardest part is the money tournaments. The category R is a Matter of bribing people to play LOL. Free Pizza and $50 first prize and have 8 people come over to my house and play 2 quick chess tournaments. I’ve already got an N2 and N3, need an N4 and can probably get that in april as the JHS Championships will be in Louisville.

JJ - drop me an email -

Don’t know how quick you are looking for something but we maybe able to work something out.


The “average rating over 1800” part of the Category R requirement is definitely peculiar. Why does the TDCC care about the average rating?

I would tend to think that it takes a better director to direct high caliber rated players tournament (average over 1800) than it would to direct a scholastic u1200 RR. ANTD’s and NTD’s are going to be doing work at some high caliber tournaments and they want to make sure you have experience with high caliber players.

Just my two cents. (;

Because in the old days only ANTDs and NTDs could direct the round robin US Closed Championship. Back then it was noted by the rule givers that round robins were a snap but dealing with higher rated players took some extra skill, thus the R requirement with the 1800 average rating. I don’t know why the 1800 average was the choice when the rule went into effect, well before I got involved in this kind of stuff. My guess is that in those days that would be a high rated round robin that was obtainable by most TDs. Now-a-days I hear how often it is done over a few weekends at some TDs house.

Tim Just
TDCC Chair

since the Champtionship is no longer RR ( the thinking behind the requirement ) shouldn’t this item no longer be required? I think dealing with the 3 over $1000 tournaments and the N levels would give you enought high profile player experience.

I disagree. Round robins require a different skill set than swisses (of whatever size). To qualify someone as an ANTD (or NTD) without such experience would make the certification process a joke.

(Parenthetically, I believe the current formulation – round robin with average rating over 1800 – was aimed at things like invitational state championships. In many states, that would be a plausible average for the top ten or twelve players. Or at least it was then.)