In honor of Bobby Fischer’s birthday today (he would have been 68), I am including my Bobby Fischer video with the results of the Colorado Springs Open and a Brennan game.
Paul Anderson
- Bobby on Spassky Rematch:
Hi, folks.
Here are the standings for the Colorado Springs Open.
SwissSys Standings. 2011 CS Open: CS Open 2011
4.5 Randy Canney
4.5 David Hartsook
4.0 Brian Wall
4.0 Eric Montany
4.0 Isaac Martinez
3.5 Tim Martinson
3.5 Paul Covington
3.5 David Wise
3.5 Andy Pineda
3.5 Ron Rossi
3.5 Jeff Csima
3.0 John Irwin
3.0 Barry Hepsley
3.0 Katherine Wise
3.0 Cory Foster
3.0 Gregg Ford
3.0 Rhett Langseth
2.5 Anthea Carson
2.5 James Powers
2.5 Zlatko Vasilj
2.5 Dean Brown
2.5 Dragan Plakalovic
2.5 Mike Filppu
2.5 Sean Scott
2.5 Robert Rountree
2.5 Gary Bagstad
2.0 Justin Alter
2.0 Andre Patin
2.0 Alexander Freeman
2.0 Peter Swan
2.0 Tikila Nichols
2.0 Joe Davison
2.0 Joe Fromme
2.0 Jeff Baffo
2.0 Sara Herman
2.0 Don Austin
2.0 Alex Cacas
1.5 Jiri Kovats
1.5 Kathy Schneider
1.5 Fred Spell
1.5 Daniel Herman
1.5 DuWayne Langseth
1.0 Tom Mullikin
1.0 Victor Creazzi
1.0 John Hudetz
1.0 Brayden Norman
0.5 Hollis Hudetz
0.5 Daniel Kloepfer
[Event “Reno Far West Open 2006”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “2006.04.07”]
[Round “2”]
[White “Elitzin, Stoyan”]
[Black “Brennan, Tim”]
[Result “0-1”]
[ECO “B07”]
[WhiteElo “1682”]
[BlackElo “1774”]
[PlyCount “80”]
[EventDate “2006.04.10”]
- d4 d6 2. e4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. Be2 Bg7 5. Be3 Nc6 6. Qd2 a6 7. Bf3 Bd7 8.
O-O-O Rb8 9. Bh6 Bxh6 10. Qxh6 Qc8 11. h4 Bg4 12. h5 Nxh5 13. Rxh5 gxh5 14. Qg7
Rf8 15. Nge2 Bxf3 16. gxf3 Qh3 17. Ng3 Qg2 18. Qxh7 Qxf3 19. Nxh5 Qxf2 20. Rd2
Qg1+ 21. Rd1 Qg5+ 22. Kb1 Kd7 23. Ng7 Rh8 24. Qf5+ Qxf5 25. Nxf5 Rh2 26. e5 Rg8 - exd6 cxd6 28. Ne3 e6 29. Ne4 Ke7 30. d5 exd5 31. Nxd5+ Ke6 32. Ndf6 Rgg2
- Rxd6+ Ke7 34. Rd7+ Kf8 35. Rd1 Rxc2 36. a3 Rxb2+ 37. Ka1 Ra2+ 38. Kb1 Rxa3
- Nd7+ Ke7 40. Nd2 Rd3 0-1