If someone wants to volunteer, here’s a task that they can help with:
We need specifications for the format for the rating report data as an XML document. I know a few things about XML, but I’ve never written a standard for one.
Anybody want to take a stab at drafting one, either as a template that I can follow or as a first draft of a complete one for rating reports?
The latest draft of the data dictionary (written mostly in a dBase-compatible form) is at: secure.uschess.org/TD_Affil/fileformat.php
It probably needs to be reworked a bit to make things like opponent, color and result separate data elements within the ‘results’ group. (I suppose those could be attributes within an XML element, opinion on what is a ‘well formed’ XML document varies.)
There may be a few things it is still missing, mostly to deal with FIDE data. (The FIDE requirement for reportiong round dates is problematical, even the author of the FIDE reporting format, Christian Krause, has acknowledged that it may need work in that area.)