Here’s my first cut on a sample XML file for rating supplements. I’m posting this one here as opposed to putting it on the web for now.
I haven’t changed the ‘Quick’ system to something else yet, since there isn’t any agreement as to what to call it yet.
I haven’t written a data dictionary file for this one yet, I think I’ll wait until it’s been hacked at a bit before I try to write that.
Some other notes:
I’ve added a field for the Title/Norm concept that was approved in 2003 and will be implemented later this fall. This would show the highest norm-based title that someone has earned, but it would not show his status towards higher titles because that’s not relevant to the ratings supplement. (We may show that information on MSA at some point, though.)
I’ve also included fields for someone’s floor and their peak rating, though we only have peak ratings information back to late 1991.
I’ve included a field for someone’s FIDE ID but not for someone’s current FIDE rating, country of registry or FIDE title, because those can change and people really should get that information directly from FIDE.
I’m not showing OLM status, is that important in a supplement? (Technically I suppose someone could figure it out in most cases since OLMs have 2200 floors, but due to a variety of policy shifts over the years some people have 2200 floors without necessarily having played 300 games as a master, and I don’t have the authority to change those floors.)
I’ve added a field to show when someone’s USCF status is something other than active . That’s also different from their expiration date. When someone’s status is not active, that will always generate a validation error, even in a membership-exempt event.
In the specific case of an ID that is inactive because that person has more than one USCF ID, for the duplicate IDs I have a field for the correct USCF ID to use, but I am NOT showing any rating or expiration date for the duplicate IDs. (I think it’s better to include those IDs and indicate that they are not to be used, and why, than to just leave them off the list.)
Would it make more sense to deconstruct the name fields into 4 parts, something like:
There may be typos in this, I haven’t tried running it through an XML parser yet:
1.0 09/01/2007 08/03/2007 11111111 Smith, Joe NE 2008/05/31 1602 15 22222222 Brown, Max NE 2008/05/31 1944 1800 A 1944 1800 1967 22222222 Duplicate 22222221 Brown, Max NE 22222223 Deceased Marks, Jack NE 2008/05/31 1944 1800 22222224 Inactive Owens, Ricky NE 2006/05/01 1801 1800 22222225 111111 Pawn, Gerald NE Life 2415 2200