Anyone have some good chess web sites to recommend?
I visit this site, Susan Polgar’s blog, Chessbase, and the chess tactics
server. I guess most readers here know these sites already. If you
don’t know about the chess tactics server - definitely go check it out!
I’ve been looking at and (the latter had some good coverage of the World Cup games!). I’m also a fan of Mig’s (especially the daily dirt).
I like as it has some interesting articles, an archieve of articles that includes old column by GM Raymond Keene, has articles on various openings; and most importantly it is FREE.
The above sites are all for chess information. Most people are looking for a chess website that will help them improve their chess skills. I like:
The above site is free.
The above site gives you a 30 day free membership.
It is very helpful and helped me improve my tactic skills.
When you sign up for the free trial, enter boat88
into the Class Code box to join my club. is a good site for tactics puzzles. For openings databases, check out and Those should be good for improving your playing skills.
A good way to find more sites is also to look at chess blogs out there and look at their links columns.
Rather than put up my whole list here, I’ll just refer you to my blog (which I have to get back to regularly updating… sigh…) and look at the menubar on the right (on most systems - some place it at the bottom…)
I visit the website for NORTHWEST CHESS a lot. It covers chess in Washington and Oregon. I have visited most of the sites listed already. Bob Long was a recent one The Chess Museum.