Hi all,
I’ve created a blog for chess tactics. The URL is tacticalmagic.blogspot.com/.
The site has a grand total of 8 tactics so far, but my plan is to post a new tactic
every day. Each tactic is presented as a diagram, and it is followed by some PGN
that gives the position and the best continuation, as determined by Fritz 9. I’ve
also put my comments about the tactic and alternate continuations in the PGN.
You can cut and paste the PGN and analyze it yourself in your favorite viewer or chess
engine. It’s all free, of course.
I’m a class B player, and I’ve chosen tactics that I find interesting. Hopefully other
class players will also enjoy them. However, I doubt that an expert or above could
learn anything new from them.
I’d like your feedback on the blog. Please let me know by posting comments. Anything
is fair game: are the tactics hard or easy? are they interesting or boring? what do you
think of the concept for the site? what could be done to make it better/more useful?
I’m taking off for a few days, so I won’t post any new tactics for a while, or respond to
your comments immediately. But I really would appreciate your feedback. If I’m going
down the wrong path, it’s better to know early!
Thanks very much,