Christmas Song Chess Filks, Part II

It’s that time again!

It seems like only a little over a year ago that I last posted a thread which shared some Christmas Chess Filk for everybody to um… well… enjoy. :question:

Now it appears to be an old annual tradition, two years in the running….

So here they are, for your enjoyment or your groaning! C’Mon and sing along!

“My favorite Mates”
To the tune of “My Favorite Things”

Queens that I can take and Bishops left en prise
Gobb-l-ing pawns and the pieces that are free
Learning what strategies others may bring
These are a few of my favorite things

Waiting for hours for opponents to move
Knowing my tactics are straight and in the groove
Queen versus king dancing all ‘round in rings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the pawn takes
When the Queen drops
When I’m losing bad
I simply remember my favorite mates
And then I don’t feel so sad!

“What Endgame Is This?”
To the tune of “What Child Is This?” / “Greensleeves”

What Queen is this, who laid to rest
on seventh rank is ma-ting?
Whom pieces try to make her die
But che-ck-mate will still come nigh

This, this is the__ game’s end,
It’s time to reset the pieces my friend,
Haste, haste, to post the scores,
The game, the fun_ of Chess Play.

Why lies my King-in such mean estate,
Where Knight and Bishop will smother?
Good Players, fear for tactics here
a new game comes now, my brother


Pins, skewers may pierce your King straight through,
The one point oh__, for me? For you?
Hail, hail the game For Fun
For Thought, the game of Mating


So Play the game, and play it well,
Not just_ to win but make friendship gel
[Win,] lose or draw but in the end
Play someone and_ make-a-new-friend!

This, this is only one end,
It’s time to reset the pieces my friend,
Haste, haste, so we play again
The game, the fun_ of Chess Play.

“Play a Game Today,”
to the tune of “Christ Was Born for This”

Good Players all rejoice
With rank and file, move choice!
Give ye heed to what we say
Move, move!
Play good games today__

Piece and square before you now
And you can furrow your eye brow
Play a game today,
Play a game today!

Good patzers now, rejoice
With rank and file, move choice!
Now ye hear of mysteries sweet
Check, check!
Any player you might beat

But the joy is in the game
Whom you might play, and not your fame
Play a game today,
Play a game today!

Grand Masters now, rejoice
With rank and file, move choice!
Now we learn from your good play:
Play, play!
All start in fun, and come what may

Play until the race is won,
We learn from moves that you have done
Play a game today,
Play a game today!

And there you have it. I’ll be playing the Boden Room of the Atlantis Holiday Inn next Wednesday, the Scholars Coffee Lounge in the Bifrost Strip on Friday, and you can catch my weekly show at Legal’s Lounge in the original Erewhon on Sundays.

Thanks for reading (and hopefully singing along!!!) Be careful out there on the ranks and files, the Bishop you save might be your own!

  • :smiling_imp: