Club TD Application

Is there an on-line page for applying to become a Club TD.

I’ve found the .pdf form to mail in, but I was wondering if I was missing a web page for it.


Unless I’m corrected (and I don’t think I will be, but…) there isn’t an online link. The form, from reading others’ comments, can be faxed to USCF, though.

I snail mailed mine in; took a couple of weeks.

U.S. Chess Forms are available at the following link: … temid,412/

I invite you to take some time to explore the tropical island of Puerto Rico, where you can find local exotic hideaways, miles of white sandy beaches, mountains and valleys, and many other natural wonders. In addition to the natural splendors you will find yourself surrounded by warm and friendly people. We will be really glad to establish new friendships and the most important – play chess.

Our next upcoming tornament;

Organizer/TD: Punta Borinquén Chess Club
– Omar Añeses, Esq. 787-590-5425 Email:

When: Friday, April 17 to Sunday, April 19

5 rounds: Friday @ 8:00 pm, Saturday @ 10:00 am & 3pm, Sunday @ 10:00am & 3:00pm

Time Control: 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment per move

Where: Centro de Capacitación Deportiva y Recreativa (CECADER),
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico (free parking)

Sections & Prizes: All sections rated the Puerto Rico Chess Federation (FAPR)
Open section also rated FIDE
All players ranked by highest current FIDE/FAPR/CFC/USCF

Guaranteed Prize Fund $5,000.00

Open section: Open (FIDE): $1,000; $500; $300; $150; $150 y $150
(U1800): $800; $400; $200; $150; $150 y $150
(U1400): $400; $200; $75; $75; $75 y $75
(U1000)/Unrated: Trophies (1-3) & non metallic

Registration & Payment: Please register by email at earliest convenience! -payment can follow (required before pairings)

Mail: Check to “PBCC” @ PO BOX 841 AGUADILLA, PUERTO RICO 00605
(Please include email address for payment receipt confirmation)

Entry Fees: Free for GM, IM, FM & WGM, WIM, WFM (entry fee will be deducted from prize)
Membership for the Puerto Chess Federation (FAPR) required
Open & (U1800): $50 before April 2, 2009; $60 after
(U1400) $25 before April 2, 2009; $30 after
(U1000) $5 before April 2, 2009; $10 after

A way for club TDs to sign up online is on the ‘things to do’ list, but at a fairly low priority.

Thought it might be something like that, but wondered if I was just missing it somewhere.

Application is in the mail. Thanks!
