This may be of interest to TDs who use SwissSys and who run FIDE rated tournaments. Unfortunately, this will be of no use to TDs who use WinTD.
For some time now, I have been creating a database (in DBF format) every month that combines USCF and FIDE ID numbers and ratings. The database includes USCF regular, quick, and blitz ratings and FIDE standard, rapid, and blitz ratings. It also includes FIDE federations and player titles.
SwissSys allows the user to configure which database fields correspond to fields in the player registration dialog box. When running a FIDE rated event, I suggest putting the FIDE rating in the “rating #2” field, the FIDE ID in the “id #2” field, the FIDE federation in the “club” field, and the FIDE title in the “title” field. When you submit the rating report, you can save the office (Walter Brown) a lot of time by sending the final file for any FIDE rated section. (For instance, if the open section of a five round tournament is FIDE rated, send the office the open.s5c file.) With the FIDE information provided as described above, SwissSys can generate the Krause format rating report for FIDE with minimal effort on the office’s part. (Along with the final SwissSys file, you should also report the schedule of rounds. FIDE needs to know when each round was played.)
The October 2014 version of this database is available at No bonus points will be awarded for guessing how the files for other months are named.
If you would like to receive an e-mail reminder when new databases are available, please feel free to send me a PM. I can also provide a “database configuration file” that you can load into SwissSys to set up the mapping of database fields to registration dialog fields. Alternatively, you can use the database setup dialog to do this mapping yourself. (It is not overly complicated, but it’s probably something most users have never needed to do, as the “USCF golden database” defaults work perfectly fine out of the box.)
Unfortunately, this won’t help WinTD users. WinTD gets very upset if the rating database format differs from the USCF golden database.