I haven’t been able to get this feature to work for the last 3-4 days. Is this because of the server crash, or am I only one having a problem?
Thanks - Bob Wilder
I haven’t been able to get this feature to work for the last 3-4 days. Is this because of the server crash, or am I only one having a problem?
Thanks - Bob Wilder
I had the same problem on Friday.
I just tried requesting a custom ratings list, it appears to have worked for me.
I couldn’t get it to work myself either. I tried both on Saturday and this morning after Mike’s post.
Grant, try a small list, like current nebraska players.
Mike, I tried All Virginia Players at about 9:45 EDT Monday, and Current Alaska Players at about 10:40. So far (11:00 EDT) I haven’t received either one.
No luck with Nebraska, West Virginia (quick), or Iowa. I tried both the June and April supplements. I also reset my email address and still got nothing.
I tried the state of KY and didn’t receive anything as well.
I’m not sure why they’re not working for others when they’re working for me. I also don’t know when I’ll have an opportunity to check into the problem.
It looks like mail is getting lost at one of the SMTP servers (in NY), I"m trying to reconfigure it.
Update: It looks like my test message went through, but it took about 20 minutes due to the spam load on the SMTP gateway in NY.
I’m not sure why some messages were getting through but not others, hopefully the fix I just put in will catch all of the causes for rejects.
I’d switch over to the other gateway as the primary outbound server but it has blacklist problems that our ISP in Tennessee hasn’t gotten fixed yet.
The blacklist problem has got to get solved soon, as that machine will be taking over as the primary outbound and inbound mail server at the end of June when the NY office is closed.
For those curious about the blacklist problem, the IP addresses the USCF has for its TN offices are part of a dynamic block assigned to our ISP. Unfortunately, that specific block is blacklisted by at least one blacklist service, probably because of a previous user of those addresses ( through, and there are several blacklists that won’t allow ANY dynamic address blocks through.
IMHO, that’s a dumb way to deal with spam, but it’s not uncommon, and it’s not practical to tell USCF members that their personal or ISP’s choices for anti-spam measures are archaic and recommend they find a better solution.
I just submitted a request and it came through in a couple of minutes. I receive mail through my own server which doesn’t do any spam filtering, so I don’t think black listing is the problem. You can see from the headers below on the message I received that the only servers it hit was USCF servers and my server.
There’s the possibility of a router rejecting connections to port 25, but I seriously doubt anything like that is being done by the ISP which houses my server (godaddy.com).
But I definatley agree with you on the archaic spam blacklisting problem. Most ISP’s “solution” to spam are more annoying than spam itself. Personally I receive about 3000-4000 spams per day, and POPFile filters out almost all of them perfectly. I only see 5-10 per week with nearly no false positives.
Received: from smtp.uschess.org (smtp.uschess.org [])
by net-chess.com (8.12.11/8.12.11) with ESMTP id k4Q323kQ003012
for <gmiller@gregmiller.net>; Thu, 25 May 2006 23:02:03 -0400
Received: from blackbox.uschess.org (blackbox.uschess.org [])
by smtp.uschess.org (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id k4Q31iIs007268
for <gmiller@gregmiller.net>; Thu, 25 May 2006 23:01:51 -0400
Received: from queenside.uschess.org (unknown [])
by blackbox.uschess.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8968DBA83A
for <gmiller@gregmiller.net>; Thu, 25 May 2006 23:01:45 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from queenside.uschess.org (queenside.uschess.org [])
by queenside.uschess.org (8.13.5/8.13.5) with ESMTP id k4Q31iGB005715
for <gmiller@gregmiller.net>; Thu, 25 May 2006 22:01:44 -0500
Received: (from postgres@localhost)
by queenside.uschess.org (8.13.5/8.13.5/Submit) id k4Q31iiB005714
for gmiller@gregmiller.net; Thu, 25 May 2006 22:01:44 -0500
And just an additional note, it appears the originating server doesn’t know it’s daylight savings time. But that shouldn’t be a real problem.
Outgoing email is currently being routed through the mail server in NY, which will need to be shut down around the end of June when the USCF office in New York is closed.
It is the new mail server in TN that has the blacklisting problem with the IP address currently assigned to it.