Deadline for sending tournaments results to be rated

My son played in a local tournament at the end of May and lost a couple of games. The results of that were not received by USCF yet. He played well in several national tournaments since then which were already rated or received by USCF. Is there a deadline for sending results in? For example, when they receive the May tournament and rate it after the other tournaments were rated already, he will lose much more points than if that tournament was sent in the order it was played. It is not fair to him.

The director should send in the tournament report no longer then 7 days after the end of the event. Some directors have gone weeks or even months before sending in the results. Even had some directors like yourself that have a scholastic event and never send in the results as they are not certified tournament directors. The director would say that the event is rated and then to find out that the event was never sent into the federation for rating. Use the member service area and place the name of the director, check if the director is a certified director in the first place; it is a long shot but as it was a scholastic event the director could not even be a certified director at any level, or in that matter a member of the federation.

If the director is not a certified director, there is little the federation could do; if the director is not even a member of the federation then there is nothing the federation could do. If you do find the director and the person is a certified director get the membership number and email Nancy Evens, explain to her the problem. The federation could have the report, or in that matter had the report and lost all the data from the event.

Douglas M. Forsythe, local td

The 7 day policy has been modified somewhat. See the June 2004 issue of Chess Life, Page 63.

The 7 day rule still applies to FIDE rated events because of FIDE penalties, but for other events TD’s are supposed to wait until they have the ID’s for everyone before submitting it.

The reason is that events with missing ID’s in them are causing those events to be delayed by several weeks. This new procedure is temporary, until we have the ability to accept and process rating reports via the Internet.

However, with the opening this weekend of the membership section of the USCF’s TD/Affiliate Support Area, TD’s can now get ID’s for new members in a matter of minutes.

Okay, this isn’t exactly the same topic, but kind of along the same lines. I just played in my first rated event today. When my rating is calculated, are the current and unofficial ratings used in the calculations, or the last official rating supplement?

For example, I beat a guy who had a 1528 June rating supplement, but a current 1489. I know it’s not a big difference, but does it count as me beating a 1528 or a 1489?

Current rating is used. However, tournaments are (at least theoretically) rated in order, and you have no way of knowing what your opponent has played in since the last update.