Decorating chess office :)

I tutor chess at a rehabilitation facility for juveniles with substance abuse disorders.

Recently, staff gave me permission to dedicate an unused office for this purpose.

The office is a bit bare and I would like to make it more cozy by getting some chess-oriented decorations.

I would welcome suggestions! I am particularly wondering if anyone knows of places to buy (or create) chess-oriented posters. I’ve found some online but I am hoping to find to find more, and better.

Thank you so much!

The older chess books often have some good stuff to put up on a wall. Chess to Enjoy, Chessnecdotes, etc.: things like a cartoon of a cowboy playing his horse at chess. A mailman carrying a chess board and complaining about postal chess. Try a search on the internet for chess cartoons and see what comes up. Same goes for chess photos, which there are quite a lot on the internet.

Larry S. Chess

Would you like a Queen of Katwe poster? PM me a mailing address

Try chess posters. There may be many places that have these, I only checked Amazon, and there are many that are under $10, and a large number under $15. Some are motivational with chess quotes, others are historic.

You don’t have to have big posters. A bunch of smaller, framed chess art, clip art, cartoons, or other chess images will do to fill up a wall. If you are a USCF affiliate, put your certificate in a frame and put it up on the wall, too. This is what many chess clubs do. You can also get the youth you work with to draw or paint their own art to put up on the wall. That would be a good motivating device. It would help them to assert their ownership in the program.

Thank you so much for your ideas. I do have some artists among my chess players! :slight_smile:

Pictures need not just be famous chess players. Your local players are good candidates.