
Are diagrams possible on this new version of the forum? If so, how do you post one?

Anyway, here’s a chess problem (actually, a study) that I invented a few years ago and have already imposed on everyone I know, so now I have a wider audience! There are few enough pieces so that I really don’t need a diagram for this one (I guess).

White: Kf2, Rb1, Rh7.
Black: Ka8, Rg2.

White to move and win.

(Please don’t post solutions for 24 hours – let others have a little fun (or endure a little agony.)

Bill Smythe

You can upload it somewhere and link to it.

Later: Well, that’s interesting. the [img] tag will display a linked image. Learn something every day.

Perhaps this might work:


Cool. Thanks for the link!

To post the picture copy the url that it gives you and enclose that url with img tags. To do that you can paste the url into your post, highlight it and click the Img button.

What if the URL doesn’t already exist?

At one time there was talk about adding, to this forum, an explicit way of creating chess diagrams from scratch, say by entering the position in Forsythe (no, not Doug!) notation or something similar.

Bill Smythe

That link in my first post takes you to a page where you create the diagram and it gives you a url for the picture of the diagram you created.

So spill, already. What’s the solution? :question:

This is a cool thread!

I bet we can get something nice worked up as a solution for diagrams eventually, to allow them to be built here.

In the meantime, I guess we’re going to see quite a few different diagram styles. :slight_smile:

If you have someplace to store images online a nifty program for creating the images is diagtransfar


Here is an example from the Anand - Kramnik game:

I’d just as soon wait a bit, to see what somebody can come up with. Please, post your attempted solutions, and comments, here.

P.S. Why is there a funny little circle on h1? (Edit: I got rid of it by editing out some junk between the last hyphen and the “[/img]”.)

Bill Smythe

OK, here’s another one. This one I composed when I was about 12, I think.

White to move, Black to win. Or, Black to move, White to win. I.e. whoever moves first loses, if the opponent plays his cards right.

Bill Smythe

That is which side is to move. I believe in the options tab on that site you can uncheck that.

No one else has an attempt?

  1. Ke3

looks like a good start to me.

It looks like the key is to get the king to h1.

Try Kf3 and on g-file checks move up the f-file to f7. Then we have
— Rf6+
Kg8 Rf8+ (… Rg6+ is met by Rg7)
Kg7 Rg8+ (… Rf7+ is met by KxR)
Kh6 and checks along the h-file until Kh1.

Now the stalemate threat can be removed and a normal K+2R vs K+R endgame is reached.

On second rank checks rather than g-file checks you have a rotation where the king goes to b3, a2, b2, c1, … , h1.

Thank you! I will print this out and look at it later on a real board.

BUT…does anyone else find that when they try to print from this forum from Internet Explorer, all the diagrams disappear?

I received a copy of John Nunn’s Tactical Chess Endings in the mail today and saw the following position:

Edit: Oops, white to move.

  1. Kg8 looks like a good start, threatening 2. Rc6+ driving the black king away. And if 1…Rg2+, 2. Kh8 keeping the same threat.

Bill Smythe

Yes, Nunn calls it the ‘Lasker manoeuvre’. Basically use opposition and rook checks to push the black king back to h2:

  1. Kg8 Rg2+ 2. Kh8 Rf2 3. Rc6+ Kh5 4. Kg7 Rg2+ 5. Kh7 Rf2 6. Rc5+ Kh4 7. Kg6 Rg2+ 8. Kh6 Rf2 9. Rc4+ Kh3 10. Kg5 Rg2+ 11. Kh5 Rf2 12. Rc3+ Kh2 13. Rxc2

But after 10. Kg5, can’t black draw easily with 10…Rxf7 … ?

Bill Smythe