FIDE Arbiter Seminar

I can’t find a listing anywhere for a FIDE Arbiter Seminar during the US Open in Middleton Wisconsin. I am interested in doing this if it is available [like it was last year], but I have as yet not seen any information or listing for it. Does anyone know anything about such a seminar at the 2018 US Open?

Larry S. Cohen

There is one scheduled. Both Carol Jarecki (lecturer) and Alan Losoff (organizer) have emailed me about it. It will be Tuesday-Thursday and costs $195 based on Al’s email to me.

Larry asked about the US Open.

Are you talking about the National Open?

Yes, you are right. I was talking about the National Open. There will not be one at the US Open. Luckily, I’m better at rules than I am at reading right now.

Given the hotel room situation for the US Open (the hotel is sold out for some nights due to the Reebok Games in Madison), planning a FIDE seminar at the US Open might not be practical.

I don’t see it listed on the Vegas Chess Festival website right now but the information is on the FIDE website at … a-usa.html

Last year there was 1.5 participants in the seminar. It makes it hard to justify the cost.

Who was the 0.5?

Bill Smythe

I guess the online [Internet Arbiter’s Seminar] seminar makes more sense. There is one in English from May 7-13 with only a $50 Euro fee for it. That is cheaper than the $100 Canadian I paid for it in 2010 in Toronto.

Larry S. Cohen

A person who showed up for part of the seminar having completed part of it elsewhere and then attempted to take the test.