First Chess Book.

Did Reinfeld, do a series of "Fireside" Books, I remember having a book by Reinfeld with Fireside in the Title, but can not remember if "The Fireside Book of Chess" was it.(Another loaned book, that never came back). Seems it was on strategy.

There’s a group of “Fireside Chess Library” books. Various authors. It was a line by Simon and Schuster.

You may be thinking of “How to Think Ahead in Chess: The Methods and Techniques of Planning Your Entire Game (Fireside Chess Library) by I. A. Horowitz and Fred Reinfeld”.

Pandolfini published quite a few books in the “Fireside Chess Library” series also.

This particular book (mine that is) … well … here’s a very good review of the book:

You are absolutely correct! It was : “How to Think Ahead in Chess” The Methods and Techniques of Planning Your Entire Game.( Fireside Chess Library) Now that has been bought to mind, I just realized how much I miss that book. But I guess one should never loan, what one is not prepared to lose. I think I would enjoy the book you have as well. But then I love reading and studying Chess Books.

The first chess book I learned from was that huge Fred Reinfeld book, The Complete Chess Course, in 1967, when I was 11. I had lost many games to my dad’s friend a few years before, as a 8-9 year old, I knew the rules, but little else. I was home sick from school a few days, and my mom didn’t want my mind vegetating with Dobie Gillis and Bonanza on TV, so she got this book out of the library, and I was receptive, because of all the losing I had done. A few pages to learn the notation, a little strategy and tactics, and I was hooked. Since we couldn’t really afford to buy books, I kept having my mom renew it like 5 times. I think there was a rule at that time only 1 renewal for a book. So I’d have her return it, then go back the next day hoping it would be on the shelf. Which it was, since in 1967, not too many people were interested in chess books. Anyway, I read it cover-to-cover.

     The first super-entertaining book I ever read was the Bright Side of Chess. I loved that book

Interesting you would, speak of that book in relationship to a Library. The first time I saw “The Complete Chess Course” By Reinfeld. Was at the Cleveland (Ohio) downtown Library. Any one that is in that area, should visit the Chess Library there. It is unbelievable the books there. Or at least thirty years ago. A friend had told me about it, I was there (downtown) one day and thought I would slip in. I went in about 10:30am, and was run out about 8 or 9 PM. whichever time it was they closed. I could not believe the time had went by so quickly. :laughing: