
Anybody know where i can download a online registration form for our club tournament if i don’t have any, or should i just make up one?

It is pretty simple to make something up, but if you message me I can e-mail you one.

I’m not certain which form you are asking about. If you are looking for USCF membership forms then go to “Activities&Interests” / “Forms” / “Dec2009-MembershipRenewalForm.pdf”.

I think the request may be for a registration form for their tournament’s entry that could be posted online? Or an online submittable form for tournament entry.

It inspires an idea (one that I’m sure has been raised before my re-entry to USCF…) Would there be any legal reason the USCF couldn’t act as an agent to allow online tournament registration and payment? I can think that there may be an agency problem or confusion with the relationship between USCF and the organizer. From a business perspective there may also be a problem with making funds collected available and account reconciliation. And technical problems with multiple schedule registration, etc. (Or maybe Paypal or other services could already do it better…)

A lot of problems to work through. But I would love the option for people to be able to use the USCF website to submit their tournament registration. (A little akin to the current correspondence registration system, last time I looked.) It may also help allieviate membership expiration checks. :wink: Not to mention that for online-registration only, it could eliminate the question of how much a tournament actually receives in fees. In one possible implementation, the USCF could act as an escrow agent for the prize fund. That also has appeal to me.

Sorry for the slight drift.

If it is an on-line registration process that is being looked for then I’d suggest contacting Mark Nibbelin of the BNASC (Bloomington-Normal Area Scholastic Chess) for ideas. They have a nice looking registration process and Mark does read the forums.

You can always go to the online TLA page,, and search for any of the online TLAs, and then click on the registration form link. That might be useful.

Alex Relyea

There are at least two problems with the USCF serving as an agent for events being run by affiliates:

  1. What fee does the USCF get for that service? (It has to AT LEAST cover the credit card charges and any other direct costs.)

  2. How do we handle transferring the money?

We actually tried it for the National Open one year, neither Al Losoff or the USCF were interested in doing it again the following year.