Membership Forms


I am a director and running a tournament tomorrow. I expect many new to uscf players at my event. While they are in line to register, I want them to fill out their membership forms and choose the membership type they want so that when they get to the registration desk, there will be a quick process of registering for the event. What I cannot seem to find on the uscf website (probably just not looking in the right place) is where the membership forms are so I can download and print.

Can anyone assist me on this one?

Brian Ribnick

Go to USCF home, Activities and interests, Forms … temid,412/

There are a couple of member forms (one with and one without the affiliate rate) updated on 12/5/08.


with td/affilate area (batch submission of uscf it)

and maybe here

(I couldn’t find the bleep-bleep form - hat off to JJewel)

The ‘member’ and ‘affiliate’ forms have been combined into one form.