Games People Play


I chose a loss for the game of the week. Hope you enjoy it!

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email service goes away at the end of March.

Paul Anderson

The Newsletter
( … eople-play)

  1. March Swiss Results
  2. March Panera Thursday Results
  3. Right Moves Public Chess Club
  4. Game: Games People Play (
  5. CSCN post-game interview (

Upcoming Events

3/23 Players’ Choice, CSCC
3/24 2010 March East Coast Deli final round, CSCC
3/25 Panera Bread Thursday’s final round, CSCC
3/30 Rated Quick Chess, CSCC
3/30 March 2010 G/29 Grand Prix Event, CSCA
4/1,8 G/30 Swiss Bout #1, RMPCC

For event details and additional events, see the following websites:

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (
Right Moves Public Chess Club: RMPCC (
Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (

Nice win by your opponent, and good of you to include that game in your newsletter and post. Given the rating gap, it was probably a nice coup for him. We (C players) like one of those every now and then.

However, while he likely would have mated you in fairly short order at the point of your resignation - Mr. Torres had missed his opportunity for 48. …Qg2#. (That’s the price of having games posted - piciune observations like mine.:slight_smile:) Thanks.

Yes, I think Alex has great instincts, but a little patience would make a big difference in his rating and catching those mates. I was the one in time pressure, not him.