Good sites and downloads for Tactics Training

Anyone have some good sites or downloads for tactics training?? Please try to specify to what level of player the site/download is aimed at!

Someone pointed out to me that there was a free download available somewhere for Combinational Motifs by Maxim Blokh, but I do not remember where it was at. This has problems that are easy to extremely hard [i.e. beginner to expert level] and is some cases the problems are dual. White to move and win, as well as Black to move and win in the same problem! I also vaguely recall a tactics site with 199 extremely basic problems that I would only direct beginners to, but again I can’t recall the web site.

Who has specific sites and downloads for players to work out on for tactics training?

Best “Chess” Regards,
Larry S. Cohen

Have you tried It keeps a rating of how well various game positions are solved and tries to aim problems at specific skill levels to the user based on that rating.

Chesstempo is good. Personally, I like the free Chess Tactics Server at . Their problems database both feeds you problems by your rating and adjusts the ratings of the problems based on who’s solved them (at least it used to… haven’t checked that lately.)