It’s also not clear whether you’re using a pairing program or trying to enter the results online.
There are two styles for entering results, a Swiss format and the classic Round Robin format. (The most obvious difference is that a quad has 3 rounds or columns when entered as a Swiss and has 4 columns when entered as a Round Robin.)
In RR format (which you have to select), the combination of row and column determines the opponent so all you enter is the result code (ie, W, L or D.)
When entering it as a Swiss you have to enter both the opponent and the result (ie, W2 for a game against player #2 won by the other player.)
Do use W D and L instead of 1, .5, and 0. If you would PM your email address, I will gladly send a screenshot of what the crosstable should look like before validation (in addition to the WDL issue, you have a result consistency error).