Reporting Quad Online

My club will be holding a quad this weekend, which we would like to report online. We would be doing it by hand, not uploading files. I see that the only tournament format that’s available now is Swiss. Would there be any problems using that to report the quad results? Sections of four players, with three rounds, would look a little funny; but I wouldn’t think it would affect the rating results.

A few weeks ago, did run some made up tournaments (round robins, match, ect). Even with it as a swiss, it did get to the final stage to get rated. When that happen, delated the tournament. This was all done without uploading files. The last tournament (Wyoming), was a double round robin – it was accepted for rating. Do not think there would be a problem with it being a quad.

I submitted a 3-section quad event on-line 9 January. The bottom quad ended up being a 3-round swiss with 6 players. Simply submitted it like a swiss event after plugging it into WinTD and generating the rating report files with wallchart text file. Probably could have done it nearly as quick by putting the info directly into the TD/Affitiate rating report form. No problem. :smiley:

Mike Swatek

Round robins are basically like swisses, exceot that the rounds are equivalent to the pairing numbers, eg, player 1 meets player 2 in round 2, player 3 in round 3, and player 4 in round 4.

That also means player 1 gets a bye in round 1, player 2 gets a bye in round 2, etc. You could enter it that way now, but it would generate a bunch of ‘inconsistent results’ errors. :slight_smile:

We will support round robin charts (and double round-robin charts) in the near future, but for now just enter it like a swiss using the round by round Crenshaw-Berger pairings from the USCF rulebook. (It’s even easier than that, because you don’t report colors.)

Nolan you have done such great work for the federation. With your work for the online reporting, a (change for the good) new era of reporting tournaments for the 21st century. With the online memberships, and the online reporting of tournaments. There will be no director late with the reporting of the event, with the excuse its’ the rating departments falt.

Will look into the charts when they do become part of the system. As with everything, its only time and we have the time. If we can look back in time … in a decade from now. It would not matter if it happen the next day … or weeks from now: as our memories will be so poor to understand when these upgrades did happen. There is no rush to bring something out, when you know it would not work well. Only bring it out when the time is right.