How do I correct a submitted Tournament report?

I have a tournament that I submitted and have discovered that a game reported as a win was actually a draw. I have verification from both parties etc. Do I need to call the office or can I email someone or can I simply log in and do it online?

It is in the City Make Up games section of this tournament.


If all you need to do is change one game result, send the information via email to Susan Kantor. She’ll need the event ID, section number, player IDs and names, round and current result to make sure she’s changing the right game.

Thank you Mike. I have just emailed her with all the info.

Once an event is rated, changes are handled by the office. Changing results of games or IDs generally doesn’t require that an event be resubmitted, nor does deleting a section. Likewise, most tournament and section header details, including time control (which can impact what ratings system(s) are used), can be changed without having to resubmit the event.

However, adding a player to a section, adding a round to a section or adding a section requires that the event be resubmitted and the previous event ID deleted. Changing the event ending date also requires the event be resubmitted, because the event ID is based in part on the event ending date. Changing the dates of individual sections generally does not require resubmitting the event, though it may affect the order in which sections are rated.

FWIW, this is all covered in the FAQ on TD/A.

There’s also the email address I think it might be better to use that email address for rating report corrections because the office will likely ensure that email to that address reaches someone in a timely manner (for instance, if Susan Kantor is on vacation). The programmer in me would say “abstraction is a good thing.”