Thanks, that’s good information!
At this time, I am not holding the state championships, I believe that I have to upgrade my club to some sort of “chapter” to hold those, don’t I? Also, I am only a club level TD, so I don’t know if I can host them. I just looked through the rule book chapter 7, and I don’t see anything about state level championships. I do see the section about national championships, though.
At present, just trying to find those players so I can talk them into coming to the small tournaments I do have. I have a 24 player blitz this Saturday - limited by the libraries fire code for tables/chairs/people.
Yes, the Fur Rondy is still popular, and was once where the tournament was held, though it hasn’t been done in years. The only problem with holding the tournament there is the expense for me, since I live 400 miles away. If I can find a way to afford doing it, I would like to someday be able to do so. Maybe in a few years, after more people sign up as USCF members?
So far, I’m not charging people money to play in the tournaments, but instead I am getting local businesses to sponsor events so I can afford to rent a playing room/hall, and give away some small prizes.
The general consensus I have seen so far amongst local chess club players is that they don’t want to pay the high USCF membership fees. Most Alaskan’s are fairly poor due to our high cost of living. The few who do, I am trying not to penalize with a tournament entrance fee. Chess is not a big sport here, so I am trying to gently coax people into it. But, since I started, I think for these first two tournaments, that 14 kids, and 7 adults have signed up and become USCF members just so that they can play, which doesn’t sound like much, but we had less than 100 members last count I saw.
Maybe they will get “bit by the bug” so to speak and the sparks will become flames for chess?