Incorrectly set digital clock

Additionally, announce/post in advance: “Because of time constraints with our site, the TD will intervene if he observes an incorrectly set clock.”

Hey, thanks to whoever got the rulebook updated to include the TD Tip on rule 16P: “Directors are encouraged to intervene in the game to correct an incorrectly set clock without requiring a player to make a claim first.” :slight_smile:

Definitely! And I keep a printed copy of both the Rule Book and the RulebookChanges, and have the PDF of the RulebookChanges on my phone and a tablet, so I can show them the rules.

You’re welcome. Tim Just talked me out of making an ADM for the 2012 meeting to modify rule 16P by promising to add that “TD Tip” (which does not require delegate approval).

A truly excellent reply. i hope many read this as it is a great tonic for the over officious
TD (not saying Keith was).

In a national USCF tournament section, a player answered his cell phone, and loudly
started a conversation in the middle of the playing room, and was furious when I
DQed him for the round. Apparently he was late to the tournament, and missed the
instructions concerning cell phone use. (the player was an adult, if this matters to some).

Rob Jones