Scenario: A five-round, G/30 d/5, unrated community tournament. Because the tournament is being held in a public library, strict adherence to the posted schedule is necessary; everyone gets kicked out at 5 PM whether the tournament is done or not. Most players do not have their own clocks. The organizer is able to supply a certain number of analog clocks.
One player is using his own clock, a DGT XL. Toward the end of the first round, when his game is the only one still in progress, the clock is paused to deal with an issue. When it comes time to restart the game, with a single button press, he erases the time on the clock. It takes an inordinate amount of time for him to reset the clock to the proper time; he refuses to have an analog clock substituted for the sake of efficiency. The game runs extremely long, delaying the start of the second round by 20 minutes. The player is also one of the last to finish the second round, requiring that the third-round start time be pushed back 15 minutes and shortening everyone’s lunch break.
Midway through the third round, the TD cruises the boards that still have games in progress and notices that while the other clocks have combined time of 24 to 26 minutes showing, this player’s clock shows a combined time of 33 minutes. As the TD observes, the player presses his clock, and 10 seconds are added to his clock time.
Question 1: Per rules 16O and 16P, an obviously defective or incorrectly set clock should be replaced, but the exact wording is, “A player who wishes to claim any such defect must do so as soon as aware of it.” There is no mention of the director’s making a claim. Does the TD have the right and/or the responsibility to stop the game and require that the clock be set correctly?
In this scenario, the TD does stop the game; the player becomes argumentative, and the TD and the player leave the tournament floor to discuss the matter. The TD does not have experience setting DGT clocks. The player demonstrates that the DGT XL, rather than use countdown delay at the start of the move, uses Bronstein add-back delay at the end of the move. He points out the default presets on the bottom of the clock. One of them (preset 15) has a default delay of 10 seconds; another (preset 16) has a default delay of 5 seconds. The director allows the player to continue to use his clock on the condition that he enter the time using preset 16 rather than preset 15 as his starting point.
During the fourth round, the TD observes three consecutive presses of this player’s clock and sees that it is still adding back 10 seconds after each move.
Question 2a: At this point, does the TD have the right and/or the responsibility to require, per rules 16O and 16P, that the DGT XL be replaced by an analog clock, on the grounds that the player has not shown that he’s able to set his clock correctly?
Question 2b: At this point, should the TD declare that the player is refusing to follow the rules and forfeit him, per rule 13I?
There’s a question 3, but I’ll wait to ask it until folks have weighed in on questions 1 and 2.