Ken Smith's Training Program

In the mid nineties, Ken Smith still ran Chess Digest, the foremost chess resource dealer. If you’ll remember, he published huge catalogs that included a chess improvement program that he recommended.

For historical purposes, I am searching for a copy of that improvement program. I cannot seem to find any of the old catalogs or any online resources that have the program.

Do any of you have an old Chess Digest catalog and might have the capabilities to scan it or would mail it? I would be most appreciative.

Please contact me.

Best regards,

Thanks to an email, I have located a web archive of the program: … /lssn.html

Thanks for the responses!!\


Thanks very much, Mario, for the thread and posting the link. I got Ken Smith’s catalog back in the 90’s … I probably have one squirreled away somewhere. Back around that time I called Chess Digest to order some books, expecting to get the answering machine. Ken answered the phone! I told him I had recently won a class prize after following his improvement plan; he said I was his hero. lol. One of my fond chess memories.