A new section added to the NORTHWEST CHESS website to post PDF files of articles that have appeared in past issues of the magazine that started in 1947.
Recent addition is one by Yasser Seirawan about him playing many years ago in a Hastings Challenger. Also Larry Parr article about long time NWC Editor Dan Wade of Seattle is available for the world to read.
It would be nice if the old issues of CHESS LIFE and it’s predecessors were available online, as an alternative for those of us who think the current magazine is almost (but not quite – we still have Pandolfini, Alburt and Benko) worthless.
Actually, this is not true. I got the old issues through 1975 from TobyChess for $40. He told me that he just got tired of scanning them in. BTW this was some of the best money I ever spent. Tell him Jack sent you!
Soory, Jack is right only up to 1975. Maybe I better not recycle my old copies of CHESS LIFE after that.
To bad the CD’s are not searchable but I guess that would have been a lot more work.
I think there were rights issues that needed to be resolved before doing more recent years, but Toby did tell me it was an INCREDIBLY time-consuming process. I’ve been trying to convince him to scan old annual ratings lists, so far without success.
What program is currently used by the staff to put together CL today? Assuming those electronic files are archived, what is the possibility of adding PDFs of back issues from recent years (say, 2000-2008)? That would be an outstanding “value-add” for my membership dollar!
Excellent – like I said…converting the Quark files into PDF and posting as archived CLs would be a great value-add with no overheard except the 10 minutes to convert the file and post on the online repository. Whose buttons do we need to push to get this considered?
CL has been using Quark XPress since the mid-90s. Whether the old source files have been preserved is another matter. Where they would be stored is yet another. I doubt Dan Lucas has them, though I could be wrong.