Looking for old crosstables


I am making a website for the chess team at the school I work with. They have a long history of team chess, and have tons of trophy cases filled with awards. However, I cannot find a written record of their successes. I am looking for team standings for elementary nationals dating back to 1992 as well for state and city championships in NY around the same time.

Is there any site that keeps track of any of these records.


I think you can order copies from the USCF.

Joan or Judy would know for sure, but I think these days if you order crosstables you get pretty much what’s available on MSA for free, which does not include team standings. (Maybe some day we’ll be able to include team standings, but that would require a way for TDs to upload that information to us, and a way for us to store and retrieve it.)

Whether the office would have team standing in their files is worth asking them or Jerry Nash.