May Rating Supplement - out soon?

Hi Mike,

Will the May Rating supplement be coming out soon? I assume the delay may have to do with the upgrade in the computer systems that started Friday.

May starts Wednesday, and I am starting to enter players for state championship to be held in 2 weeks. Am entering players manually into SwissSys using MSA to look up May ratings to make sure players are in correct sections until the May supplement comes out.

Thank you,

Chris Kim

Just as an FYI if you are using the downloaded database in Swiss-Sys, Swiss-Sys has an update rating feature.

From the Swiss-Sys help file

Hi wzim,

Thank you for reminding me of that feature, which does come in handy. The only reason I started entering May ratings from MSA is that I plan to post preregistrants by section online - sometimes it creates fewer questions if I use the ratings that will be used for a tournament rather than the current official ratings that are a month behind. But it does take a bit longer this way.


Chris Kim
USCF Senior TD

The May rating supplement files are now available.

There are now two sets of pages to download rating supplement files from on TD/A.

One has files with regular and quick ratings in them, which is what we have been issuing for many years.

The second has files with regular and blitz ratings in them. May 2013 is the first such file.

Any idea when the golden database supplement files for May will be available?

Hi Mike,

Thank you for posting the files - now it’s more work for you as there are two sets of rating supplements monthly. However, the May Golden Databases are not yet available.

It appears that the May Regular/Blitz Golden DB hyperlink is active but file not available. For the Regular/Quick Golden DB - there is no May hyperlink even available yet.

Chris Kim
USCF Senior TD

I don’t build or post the supplement files, Phil Smith does.

I’ll let him know about the golden master files.

It looks like Phil has the May Golden Master files available now.

The link for the Golden Database (Q) is working just fine now. Thanks!?