Swiss Sys

Does anyone here know of any online resource for help in swiss sys. I would like to maintain a database for all the players that come to tournaments so that I could quickly search for them from a list. Does anyone know how to set this up?

-Thanking you in advance,


Look under “club lists” in the SwissSys help menu.

You should be able to do what you want by creating a Club file. Most of the details to do this are in the SwissSys help file. I actually stumbled across a new to me feature ( because I was used to doing it another way) but you can actually import individuals directly from your club file just like you would with the USCF database.

This probably isn’t the place but if you PM me I can maybe give you some more precise examples. At work I have an email that I sent someone showing them step by step how to run a Ladder using the Club file.

Is there a way to have the names updated via the uscf site with current rating

or can i download the rating supplement? and have that as my database

I’m not sure I understand your question. You can download the USCF “Golden Database” and then update it from the supplement each month. You could set one of the supplement files as your default database, but I can’t imagine why you would want to.

I have made a text file for a club list…but i cannot load it…can anyone assist me with this, and then how to update it with the newest supplement

From the SwissSys help file, click the “Search” button. In the “Help Topics” dialog, choose the “Index” tab and enter “club list” in the top text field. There are several useful index entries: “club list, editing”, “updating”, “club lists”, “loading and saving”.

The “club list, editing” topic shows you the format of the text file for your club list. At the bottom is a reference to a sample club list “club.txt” that you can find in the SwissSys program directory.

The “updating” subtopic of “club list, editing” starts with: “This option (on the Database/Club list submenu of the File menu) lets you use the USCF database to keep your own club list ratings updated.”

(Note that I’m referring to the help file for SwissSys version 7.44. Also, as long as I’m mentioning the SwissSys help file, I’d like to give Thad Suits a virtual pat on the back and say that I think the help file is quite well done.)


If you aren’t a Registered TD with some Affiliate can you still download the Golden Database and the various update data? I’ve searched without logging in as a TD or Affiliate and I can’t find it. I’ve also logged in with my regular USCF ID and still can’t find it.

The supplements and the Golden Database are in the members only area of the old website. Once you log into the site there is a tab on the left side of the page that will take you to the files.

Thanks that is good to know. I always go to the affiliate/td area and wasn’t able to find that after searching for 5 to 10 minutes. Good thing we have a new improved web site headed our way. :slight_smile:

I am at this very moment working on a web interface to create club lists from excel documents and getting data out of swissSys and winTd and dumping it into a XML format. It is not done, and it will give you errors as I am still developing, but a crude interface to import and export data from SwissSys and WinTd is at

I need testers in a week or so, and will also allow for a webservice to retrieve the data.

Take care,


Hi Shaun,

If you have your data in an excel file, can you email it to me so I can test using your data set? I can create it for you if you wait a week.

Here is primitive code to create a club list: (the language is in ColdFusion)

NAME = #trim(Player_Last_Name)#, #trim(Player_First_Name)# <cfif is_alternate EQ 1> ALT

ID## = #Player_USCF_Id#

RATING = <cfif Player_USCF_Rating EQ “”>unr#Player_USCF_Rating#

RTNG2 = 0

CLUB = #Club_Prefix#

TEAM = #Team_Prefix#

EMAIL = #Player_Email#

ICC = <cfif Player_Account_Name EQ ‘’>#Player_Account_Name_Requested##Player_Account_Name#

Rating Supplements are also available through the TD/Affiliate Support Area, look for the menu option called “Download Rating Supplement Files”.

I don’t know where the items currently in the ‘Members Only Area’ on the old website will be when Hal and Marty get done, but I assume all of them, including the BINFO system, will have an appropriate place in the new Member Content areas.

Unless you’re very short on disk space, I tend to recommend using the Golden Master file rather than your own club file. One problem with the club file is that once you get an error into it, that error will persist until corrected.

We had one TD who was (apparently) using a club file with an error in it, so once he got an error in it, an incorrect ID for a local player, he kept on submitting rating reports using the wrong ID for that player. (The two players were similar enough in rating and age that they weren’t popping up as potential incorrect IDs during validation.)