Hi all,
I have created an extensive utility to import and export tournament data. The utility will allow the following:
Create a SwissSys club list from the web or Excel
Import data saved on the web in the form of Swiss Sys and WinTd wall charts and export the data into easily accessible XML formats.
Export WinTd, Swiss Sys, or any tournament web-page data into the new USCF XML format once it has been finalized.
The utility URL is located at [b]http://www.tatiana.net/iccl/common/xml/[/b]
How to create a swiss sys club list to reduce or eliminate manual entry
Create an Excel file by hand, or by copying and pasting player data into Excel via the web. Excel handles html table data, so you are able to copy a table and paste it into Excel without having to type the information by hand.
Once it is in Excel, create a row header in the first row. Label your row headers with concise names, such as name, uscf id, uscf rating, team, etc. Make sure that the labels do not contain comma’s, apostrophes, or quotes. Choose ‘export player data into Swiss Sys’ under purpose, browse for your Excel document, and enter a tournament ID (this will be used as your file name) and click submit.
After you click submit, you will be asked to identify what columns in the Excel document are used and how they are to be translated. If you don’t wish to use a particular column, choose ‘Not applicable’. The mapping process is fairly self explanatory. Once you are done, click submit.
The next page will be displayed in a swiss sys club file format. Copy and paste the data into a word editor (such as notepad) and import the file into Swiss Sys.
How to import data from Swiss Sys and Win Td and export it into XML
Open up a webpage showing the tournament wall chart, or use WinTd or Swiss sys to generate a wall chart either with colors or the results.
Copy the data in a table and paste it into excel. If you are using Win Td or Swiss Sys generated tables, you do not need to change the file names as the utility can read the codes.
Upload the Excel document, and specify whether the data is contained in one row, or two. The Web page gives you information on how to determine the row information.
Specify if the round data contains the results or color information as in ‘W[in] 32’ or W[hite] 32.
Choose a tournament ID, and click on submit.
On the next screen, the application will ask you to map the columns in the Excel spreadsheet to an XML column type. The application will do most of this for you, but you will need to verify that the mappings are correct in order to make it work.
Click the submit button and you will be directed to view an xml document on another page. Feel free to save the xml document to a location of your choice.
Upcoming features.
I will soon create the ability to generate colorful wall charts that have color information and will also allow the users to append new data to an existing xml tournament file. This will allow you to add new data from various sources to get a more complete data set for your tournament. We will also build in a chess viewer if you save the pgn string on the web.
Suggestions are appreciated,
Take care,