I hope this is the right forum to bring this up. It involves an inequity in the Median and Modified Median tiebreakers when a player has a bye (or perhaps other unplayed games).
When a player’s final score even or better, the Median and Modified Median systems drop the lowest score of his opponents, and a bye counts as a zero. This process usually helps the person who got a bye and hurts a person who does not get a bye. If a person had a bye, the lowest score that goes into the tie-break is a zero, and that is dropped. If a person doesn’t have a bye, a non-zero score is probably dropped. I checked the output of the WinTD software, and that is indeed how it is calculated. I think that the person receiving a bye is already getting an advantage by getting a full point for an unplayed game (I’m not arguing with that). However, if he has an even score or better, he gets an additional advantage when it comes to tie-breaks compared to others with the same score that don’t have byes.
I propose that for players with even or better scores, the lowest score of a played game should be dropped instead of the zero for the bye. This will help even it out.
Here is an example, although my proposal would not have made a difference in this case:
uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php … 4-12922915
In the five-round primary section of this tournament, there were trophies for the first three places. There were nine players, so five out of nine got byes. #3 on tiebreaks (Todd) had a bye and #4 had no bye. In this case, my proposal would not have changed the places, but it could have.
In the elementary section of the same tournament
uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php … 3-12922915
there were only seven players. One player elected to take a half-point bye, otherwise five of the seven players would have gotten a full-point bye and the situation could arise.
Now, the director probably should have combined these two sections, but that is not the point.
In this recent tournament, five of seven players got byes, so the situation could have arisen (but didn’t):
goldenisleschess.com/tournam … 060225.htm
It is not necessarily a small section that could have this problem.
To sum up, I propose that for Median and Modified Median tiebreakers with a player with an even score or better, the score of the lowest PLAYED game should be dropped from the sum, to not give the recipient of the bye an additional benefit as far as tie-breaks.