Met our match (A Complex Desultory Philippic)

Need input: USCF rating software will not accept for rating a recent serties of games at our club.

Here’s the deal: We announced that players who showed up for ‘extra’ rated games last week would have those games rated…Just two guys showed interest. They agreed to play three G/10 Quick-rated games and proceeded to so do.

When I tried to submit the results, it failed validation because the three games were coded as a match and one of the players does not have an established Quick rating.

Took a minute for that to sink in…These guys are both veteran USCF tournament players, both have long-established Regular ratings, they are within 250 points of each other in both Regular and Quick ratings, one guy has an established Quick rating to go with his established Regular rating, the other guy has an established Regular rating and a provisional Quick rating…

but since his Quick rating is not yet established—and since three G/10 games between the same two players must be coded as a match, that means the games cannot be rated.

This policy might make some sense for Regular-rated matches, but for G/10? Is there a workaround?

This could cost me $2 profit, since Player A tossed me a fin for the rating fee and refused to take change for it. Must find a solution…

Contact the ratings department and explain the situation, they can override the match rules limitations. (Be sure to supply the 12 digit event ID.)

BTW, the match rules document covers this: … atches.php

An updated version of the match rules document was sent to the Board for their review before the November EB meeting, but the Board has not taken any action yet.