Minor (but interesting) question about my rating

For a week, my uscf regular rating was 1980 (from a tournament on 7/31). But now it’s 1979. It wasn’t due to rerating since there was no double asterisk. I can tell they changed the post-rating of one of my tournaments from a month ago (7/11) from 1958=>1961 to 1958=>1960.

Obviously it’s not a big deal, but I’m curious why/how this happened.

Most likely it’s your earlier tournament, not the recent one, that was re-rated (or a correction made in the pre-tournament rating of one of your opponents). The one-point reduction in your rating would probably (about an 80% chance) carry over to your more recent event.

Bill Smythe

I think Bill has it right, a change to another player’s pre-tournament rating or results from that event impacted your post-tournament rating from that event. I can’t easily check on that from Irvine, though.