Going through my tournament results (member # 12780931) on the MSA page, I’ve noticed that several times the ratings from one tournament are not carried over to the next tournament, even though the tournaments are in the correct order. For example, it shows my rating before my most recent tournament being 1583, but my rating after the tournament before that being 1584. There are at least two other cases like that in the past year, one where I gained a point and one where I lost a point.
The post event ratings appear to be correct, even if the pre event ratings are not.
I only write out a new ratings record if the rating has changed. In this case, your pre-event rating had changed by one point, but that’s not enough to have caused the post-event rating to have changed from what it was in the previous run, so it didn’t write out a new record.
I should write out a new record if either the pre or post event data changed.
I’m working on a revision to the rerate code to speed things up, I should be able to incorporate that in the revisions.
(The reason I need to speed things up is that this week’s rerate took 35 hours! I’ve already cut that in half with the first set of improvements, but I think I can do better than that.)