Dear Mike,
I am one TD that submitted duplicate reports about 6 months ago. It has happened in the past as well. There was a simple reason for the oversite. U S Chess took so long to rate the event that it appeared that they had not received it. U S Chess did not respond to phone calls or emails questioning the events status. At the time, the received events page was not kept up to date so there was no way to be sure it was handled.
I am sure, that I am not the only person who can confirm that USCF does not effectively answer phone calls, or emails. This may be improving, but the problem with duplicate reports falls back to USCF. When a TD submits a report, and the report is idle for weeks at a time, and they cannot confirm anything after diligent efforts to follow up, then sending a duplicate makes sense.
What do I mean by idle? Idle means to me, after 3 weeks, the report does not even appear of the list of received events, the USCF does not return phone calls about the event, no live person speaks to a concerned TD after several attempts to wait out the USCF answering service, emails go unanswered. That is idle.
Once USCF discovered that an event had been rated twice, they then went into panic. Just as your post suggests, they blamed others when simply answering an email or the phone weeks before would have remedied the solution. You suggest holding the TD responsible. Well, basic services such as response to messages, and answering the phone would completely eliminate many potential errors.
Tournaments with similar names happen. One event that runs regularly in Kentucky is the McAlister’s Open. Every Monday it occurs. I run it. The only difference in name would be McAlisters Open 3-22, McAlister’s Open 3-29. I run about 50 tournaments per year, most of them McAlister’s events. There is no attempt to create problems at USCF by naming the event. But someone who submits such a regular list, should be easy to recognize. I also submit on paper. That should be easy to recognize. Apparently, I am rare. But in Kentucky, I kind of enjoy my dinosaur status.
So, before considering any kind of sanction of a TD. I suggest USCF do a few basic things to eliminate the problems.
- Answer the phone.
- Respond to emails.
- Rate events from all sources in a reasonable amount of time.
a. USCF suggests 1 week to submit a report.
b. I suggest 1 week to rate it.
Thanks for providing the forum. I enjoy the discussion here. It is valuable.
Steve Dillard