The Colorado Springs Chess Club will have the 2nd half of our July Quick Six tournament (6SS, G/24+3, $10 entry) on Tuesday, July 10th. You can still join late and get three quick-rated games!
Looks like the mobile version of CSCN is back up (but still slow to load on my not-so-smart phone). However, I have decided to include the entire newsletter in email form so that any USCF investigators looking for my Thanos comment can find it easier.
The USCF has sent me reminders about some upcoming events at the club. The July Mating Game starts July 17 and ends July 24. See our ad in Chess Life!
The events shown below are ones that have been or will be advertised in Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids:
Date Event Location TLA in Affiliate
2018-07-17 July Mating Game Colorado Springs CO 2018-07 CL A5012031
The events shown below are ones that have been or will be advertised in Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids:
Date Event Location TLA in Affiliate
2018-07-17 July Mating Game Colorado Springs CO 2018-07 CL A5012031
2018-10-02 54th Annual Colorado Springs City Chess Championship Colorado Springs CO 2018-08 CL A5012031
The USCF has rated the June Swiss 90. NM Josh Bloomer went unbeaten and grabbed a 1st Category norm. Brian Rountree and I earned 4th Category norms. DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK OR LOOK AT THESE RESULTS!
And now, the newsletter:
Game Of The Week
This week’s game comes from Tristan Cruz. He is a newcomer to the Colorado Springs Chess Club on Tuesday nights. He started chess back in 2014 as a youngster. However, he didn’t stick with it and took a 4 year break. Now, he is in Colorado and looking to establish his rating.
Most of the time, I pick a Game Of The Week because of a tactical position I find in the game and can use as a chess diagram. This week is different.
Chess Tactics are moves that can be played in one move and create a special pattern to cause a threat or threats that will result in a gain of material. Sometimes these moves have to be strung together in a series of moves to actually realize the gain in material. Then I call them Tactical Combinations.
However, these patterns can be used with Chess Strategy as well. I simplify Chess Strategy into three kinds: Mate, Material, and Mobility. I call it the 3Ms of Chess. Mobility refers to the speed and scope of your pieces (open files, open diagonals, outposts, etc.).
So, as I looked over Tristan’s game, I thought that this position is not really a tactic but rather a strategic move that wins material. See if you can find the Mobility Move.
Hint: Mobility Moves can not only increase your pieces’ Mobility but also decrease your opponents’ Mobility.
Black to move
See the diagram and answer here: … =205190212
Mobility Move … ?id=112813
[Event “June Swiss 90”]
[Site “”]
[Date “2018.06.26”]
[Round “4.12”]
[White “Arispe, Joey”]
[Black “Cruz, Tristan”]
[Result “0-1”]
[ECO “C02”]
[WhiteElo “1192”]
[BlackElo “745”]
[PlyCount “86”]
[EventDate “2018.06.05”]
[TimeControl “5400+30”]
- e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 f6 6.
Bb5 Qb6 7. Bxc6+ Qxc6 8. Bf4 cxd4 9. cxd4 Bb4+ 10. Nbd2 b6 11. Rc1 Qb5 12. Qc2
Ba6 13. Qc6+ Qxc6 14. Rxc6 Bc8 15. O-O Bd7 16. Rc7 g5 17. Be3 g4 18. Ne1 Bb5
- Rg7 f5 20. Nc2 Bxf1 21. Nxb4 Bb5 22. Bg5 Rc8 23. Nb1 h6 24. Be3 a5 25. a4
Be2 26. Na2 Rc2 27. Nac3 Bd3 28. Na3 Rxb2 29. Nab5 Bxb5 30. axb5 a4 31. Rc7 Rc2
Nxd5 Rxc7 33. Nxc7+ Ke7 34. Na6 Kd7 35. Kf1 Ne7 36. Nb4 Nd5 37. Nxd5 exd5
Bc1 Ra8 39. Ba3 Ra5 40. Ke2 Rxb5 41. Kd2 Rb3 42. Bd6 a3 43. Kc2 a2 0-1
This Week In Chess
On June 26th, the Colorado Springs Chess Club finised the June Swiss 90 event (4SS, G/90+30).
Standings. June Swiss 90
Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize
1 Josh S Bloomer 2324 W17 W4 W3 W5 4.0 $46.00 1st
2 Daniel Herman 2051 W15 L5 W18 W8 3.0 $8.00 2nd
3 Sara Herman 1971 W11 W8 L1 W9 3.0 $8.00 2nd
4 Brian Jo Rountree 1822 W12 L1 W10 W13 3.0 $8.00 2nd
5 Mark McGough 1779 W20 W2 W6 L1 3.0 $8.00 2nd
6 Paul D Anderson 2032 D10 W14 L5 W18 2.5
7 Peter Barlay 1927 W19 W9 U— U— 2.0
8 Michael Smith II 1635 W22 L3 W20 L2 2.0
9 Dean W Brown 1571 W13 L7 W12 L3 2.0 $7.00 U1600/unr
10 Ayush Vispute 1207 D6 D15 L4 W14 2.0 $7.00 U1600/unr
11 Joey Arispe 1192 L3 L20 W22 W21 2.0 $7.00 U1600/unr
12 Grayson Ed Harris 1009 L4 W21 L9 W17 2.0 $7.00 U1600/unr
13 Joel Hicks unr. L9 W19 W17 L4 2.0 $7.00 U1600/unr
14 Scott Ch Williams 1243 H— L6 W15 L10 1.5 $5.00 GOW
15 Gerardo Cruz 1214 L2 D10 L14 W20 1.5 $5.00 GOW
16 William Leo Wolf 1580 W21 U— U— U— 1.0
17 Clinton D Eads 1310 L1 W22 L13 L12 1.0
18 Derek Eskeldson 1302 H— H— L2 L6 1.0
19 Shirley Herman 1105 L7 L13 L21 W22 1.0
20 Daniel J Rupp 973 L5 W11 L8 L15 1.0
21 Tristan Cruz 745 L16 L12 W19 L11 1.0 $5.00 GOW
22 Lawrence R Osborn 898 L8 L17 L11 L19 0.0