Multi payments to FIDE

I just received the notice/warning that FIDE will charge $28 US for any TD (who is not a FA or IA) doing a FIDE event after January 1, 2013. However, that brings up the question will someone who is not a FA/IA have to pay a full second fee after they become a FA/IA? Or will the previous payment be deducted from the next level amount payment that would be owed?? Does anyone know for sure, rather just assuming that FIDE will require/request the extra money?

Larry S. Cohen
Senior TD (working towards FA title)

According to the notice Jerry Nash had sent out today:

See for the full text of Jerry’s notice.

The ‘one time fees’ range from 20 Euros ($28) to 300 Euros ($420), depending on whether the person has an IA or FA and what level of IA/FA that person is.

As one moves up the FIDE system, with each “upgrade” they will owe the differential amount in order to keep the license. In your case, you pay the $28 and your events can be rated by FIDE. When you become a FIDE Arbiter, most likely at the “D” level, you will owe the differential between 80 E/ $112 or $84. That amount might vary a little in the future due to Dollar/Euro conversions.

When you become a “C” level FA, You’l owe the difference between $168 (FA/C license fee) and $112 or $56.

If you move up to IA “C” status you’ll owe $224 - $168 or $56 more, etc. It isn’t a full second fee, it is the difference.

Mike Atkins
FA, reluctantly paying the $168.

I’m not entirely sure Mike Atkins is completely correct.

If you follow the link in Mike Nolan’s post, that web page has a link to a Microsoft Word document “License_for_Arbiters.doc”. From that document:

I read 6.2.3 and 6.2.5 as meaning that the full fee must be paid, not just the difference.

Also, what the e-mail from the USCF failed to point out is that if one does not direct enough FIDE events to remain active, one is classified as an inactive arbiter and must pay the full license fee again to be reinstated as an active arbiter.

I can only state the way it has been described to me in addition to the perhaps bad English used by FIDE. To have to pay the full FA license fee and then to have to pay the full IA license fee would be horrible, even by FIDE standards. I will consult with some higher authorities and post back with what I find out. This would certainly inhibit most FAs from ever wanting to move up to IA.


I confirmed with the Arbiter Commission chair that it’s the difference, not an entirely new fee for those that upgrade from FA to IA.

Takis Nikolopoulos, chair of the Arbiter’s Commission, sent me this message concerning the upgrading of titles and license fees

I don’t think it is possible anymore to move straight to International Arbiter, so the process of upgrading from FA and the associated fees was a good question. I think FIDE perhaps needs to clarify this in their written rules as it is confusing.


Thanks to Sevan Muradian and Mike Atkins for getting a clear answer about the “upgrade” from FA to IA, and apologies to Mike for suggesting he was incorrect. :blush:

Suggest away, there would be many times you would be partially correct :slight_smile:

There’s no guarantee FIDE won’t change the rules down the road (again), either.

Being a FIDE arbiter must pay more than being a USCF TD. And I’ll remember before I criticize USCF getting separate membership and ratings fees that at least I don’t pay for a ‘directing license.’

How much more does FIDE get to gouge the first-world Federations before regime change gets to happen?

When the first US income tax was implemented it was 3%. Some argued against it on the basis that once it started, it might someday be increased to 4% (gasp) or even 5% (inconceivable).