New FIDE Arbiter Credential

Whatever anyone thinks of the new fees imposed by FIDE for arbiters, until/unless that changes, will USCF provide some means for organizers to find TDs who have the necessary credential for their tournament to be FIDE rated after 1/1/13?

Isn’t that, more properly speaking, FIDE’s responsibility?

You can look up arbiters on the FIDE website.

You can look at a player’s MSA first page where it lists the FIDE title (such as IA in the example below) … p?11457835

There are various search capabilities in the TD/Affiliate area to help narrow down to the TDs that would be worth looking at (I’d hope that an organization planning to do a FIDE rated event would already be an affiliate of the USCF).

So that pair of options could be used even if you didn’t want to go to the FIDE website.

I don’t know how often things like IA have been updated in someone’s USCF record (which then triggers an update of MSA.)

In addition to the various certification/fee levels that have been added to IA and FA, there appears to be a new level of ‘registered with FIDE and paid a fee but not an IA or FA’. I don’t know where we would get that data yet. IA/FA/IO titles appear to be part of the revised ‘all players’ list available from FIDE, but so far not the various certification levels for IA and FA. (I think the various trainer titles are there as well.)

If we can get a comprehensive list of those codes, we can use the all players list to update USCF member records.

This is where you can find the different categories of IA’s / FA’s:

But not in a file that can be downloaded and processed, like the all players list.

No not that I know of.

At present it doesn’t appear to include NA’s (National Arbiters) such as Senior TDs who haven’t started down the path to IA or FA. Will they be updating it?

Why would FIDE know who those people are?

Alex Relyea

I suppose FIDE should list arbiter credentials, and in fact they do, except they don’t currently list National Arbiter credentials (maybe that will be added next month?).

Right now, USCF provides a function within the TD/Affiliate area which organizers can to use to get a list of TDs within a geographic area or by certification level. It seems to me it would be helpful to be able to search for FIDE credentials as well.

I suspect anyone wanting to run a FIDE norm tournament already knows who they could contact with the necessary IA or FA credential, or at least know who to ask to be put in touch. But if someone just wants to run a typical USCF tournament with the Open section being FIDE rated, there’s a new hurdle to get over, and a search function provided by USCF could be a big help.

Or maybe we’re just not going to see many of those starting next year and it won’t matter.

My understanding is that arbiters are paying the fee in US Dollars to USCF, who will in turn remit the fee in Euros to FIDE along with a list of names and the respective arbiter level, including NAs.

Not all of the individuals who will be licensed by FIDE to direct events are registered as ‘USA’ with FIDE, so it is possible some individuals who direct FIDE rated events in the USA could pay their registration fee through another federation.

Hopefully FIDE will make that information available for registered NAs like they do FA and IA titles. (And as noted upthread, the ‘All Players’ list doesn’t currently show the A/B/C/D certification levels for IAs and FAs, nor does it show whether an IA is notated as active or inactive.)

Organizers needing someone certified (and licensed) at a particular level in 2013 would be well advised to check FIDE records in addition to any records maintained by the USCF.

The FA, IA and IO codings on the latest ‘all players’ list should now be reflected on MSA for those individuals for whom we have a FIDE ID in their USCF member record.

We check for a new ‘all players’ list once a day, so we should be able to keep our records synced up with FIDE’s within a few days of any changes.